61 posts
Location: bristol,uk

Im looking for a few good spinners to help me out for an hour or so as a sorta freebie for a fundraiser up up at frenchay campus on friday 27th feb. transport and entry paid. just looking for fire spinning outside and possibly any indoor toys to spin indoors if possible. Would really appreciate it as our funds are limited. Its a normal student night up there but with a UV room and spinners and face painters and just abit different, to celebrate the end of UWE shared planet week(big environmentally orientated week to raise awareness on a lot of stuff). I know theres alot of bristol spinners...its ur chance to shine and show people the amazing world of spinning. dont make me beg!
cheeers hug
holly xxx

Never doubt that a small group of crusties, activists, and politicos can change the world... in fact, it's the only thing that ever does ;-)

61 posts
Location: bristol,uk

suit urselves...im gonna beg. come on people..19 of u have looked on this thread, my smart brain tells me there is at least 15 spinners out there in bristol. u all love spinning, what's the problem ubbcrying? is asking for free spinning rude in the world of poi? i aint got a clue. ok,how about £20 quid for the eve each(i know, it should be 60, but i aint got that!)? still need 2 people, but thats easy money surely. you dont even need to be performancy standard, and it wont be infront of a big crowd. If there are people out there who can let me know why no one wants to get PAID TO SPIN biggrin can you pm me becasue its totally beyond me, and maybe i can fix the problem.
maybe a hug will help my case ....... hug
oh and its not a fundraiser, its a benefit, my bad. minor detail. for a local bristol charity.

Never doubt that a small group of crusties, activists, and politicos can change the world... in fact, it's the only thing that ever does ;-)

oliSILVER Member
not with cactus
2,052 posts
Location: bristol/ southern eastern devon, United Kingdom


if i was in bristol, id do it...

hope something cool falls in to place tongue

Me train running low on soul coal
They push+pull tactics are driving me loco
They shouldn't do that no no no

tennisBRONZE Member
confused and abused
363 posts
Location: bristol, United Kingdom

Count me in. I'd love to do it. I'm moving to Bristol in the next week or so and am looking to spin in some different places. So i'd love to. Any more details?

My cat's breath smells like catfood

WryTerraThe reason we say "European"
912 posts
Location: Cheltenham

Holly, could you throw me a few details to faultyneuron@neuronfailure.com cause I know a few spinners in cheltenham are up for this. That's if you don't mind funny non-bristol people turning up with fire and uv toys and all sorts.

"We have done the impossible and that makes us mighty" - Mal Reynolds

"I can't tell the difference between an electron and a cat" - Brother of a friend

607 posts
Location: London/Bristol, United Kingdom

would normaly be up at the chance to do some performing but 27th happens to be the day when me and afew other bristol spinners have got our first fire show booked so we'll not be able to make it but if anything else comes along keep posting them up and i'm sure they'll be many opptuities in the future to spin together.

Maybe I should change this too something abit nicer, humm no I still think your all Ccensoredt

Mark PBRONZE Member
old hand
1,031 posts
Location: Bath, England

I am going to book the 27th off work and can therefore can come and play with some fire smile

not online too much lately but if you reply to this then I will check soon.

Hope to be able to play - let me know if wire wool is appropriate - i'll have to make cages and needs lots of outside space so need to know in advance if not have some outside/inside toys too smile

Mark P

The_Pirate_Dyke_BoyHOP Lord of the Pirate Admiralty
1,079 posts
Location: Canterbury, UK

erm, this has nowt to do wiv the rest of the thread, but do you think you guys would wanna organise sumfing for HOP day 2004? check out the thread, and please reply on it, it'd be cool to get you guys on the video!
lotsa love

X x X x X

Ship off the starboard! sound general quarters! noise and light discipline! man the cannons! GET ME THE RUM!

Master of the Free Hug Program

61 posts
Location: bristol,uk

that is wicked mark p... cheers. sorry i aint been on hop for a while.
there is a large area outside to play with fancy fire things(wool a good idea biggrin) but i would like quite alot of spinning indoors too as we will have a stage set up. it's from 10-2 and i'm lookin at about an hr of spinning between about 12 and 1. It';s at frenchay campus and if you are from bath i can give you a place to crash at mine or taxi back to somewhere in bristol(unfortunatly we cant afford to pay a taxi back to bath that night ubbcrying). my number is 07808704889 if you want to call me if you are definitely up for it. oh i think i might have 1,maybe 2 others coming so if you came at 10ish you could meet them before you guys spin? cool take it easy ;-)
holly xx

ps no worried trees and beatles....good luck with your show wink

Never doubt that a small group of crusties, activists, and politicos can change the world... in fact, it's the only thing that ever does ;-)

mechBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
6,207 posts
Location: "In your ear", United Kingdom

im in, all though i must admit getting form teh middlands to bristol may be a prob, esp as i dont know were bristol is really?

any help, vcan some one tell me?

Step (el-nombrie)

206 posts
Location: UK

Hey, I could make it to bristol if you still need more people. I am quite a good ribbon spinner but i have only lit up a few times, hope that doesnt matter. I have toys and fuel. PM me if you want me to help out. Dont really care about the money but any cash towards petrol would be a bonus

Poi... it's an obsession.

WintermuteLost in the world but loving it :)
119 posts
Location: Maybe Oxford, maybe Brighton ;)

Hi hol kiss

Um I may actually be in the neighbourhood that weekend (visiting bath peeps) so I could bring down my fire stuff if you like, give us a bell if thats cool.

hope your well gorgeous, still fighting for the planet I see,


If fishes were wishes we'd all cast nets

borismcnorrisprofessional pedant
137 posts
Location: Bristol

Hi. this sounds great. I have other plans for that night but it's starting to sound as if they may fall through so can I put myself on the 'maybe' list? Is it just a 'turn up and play' event or do you need some kind of definite commitment? Will try to be more certain nearer the time. I've got a mate with devil sticks who might be interested too.

hopefully see you there biggrin weavesmiley

A warrior always returns to the fray. He never does so out of stubbornness, but because he has noticed a change in the weather - Paulo Coelho

DuncGOLD Member
playing the days away
7,263 posts
Location: The Middle lands, United Kingdom

I'd love to Holly...I'm in Bristol on 27th....but....I'm on a stag doo and nobody else spins so doubt the groom will be interested. Shame tho cuz I've got some new UV glowy meteors!!

Let's relight this forum ubblove

DuncGOLD Member
playing the days away
7,263 posts
Location: The Middle lands, United Kingdom


im in, all though i must admit getting form teh middlands to bristol may be a prob, esp as i dont know were bristol is really?

any help, vcan some one tell me?

Check your PM's Mech... a lift is available on Friday aft if you can meet me somewhere. And I'll be coming back to Telford on saturday morning, back to Bristol saturday evening and then back home to Telford on Monday morning.

Let me know mate biggrin

Let's relight this forum ubblove

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