[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,749 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both


starting this tread to find ideas for warmup exercises.

we should all know the importance of warming up, and that you should get your muscles activly warmed and streached before doing any more demanding static streaches, what im more into here is poi moves that get you moving and thinking.

shoulder circles. Try doing one shoulder circle and one hand circle in sync, swiching which one goes big every beat, work up to both arms doing shoulder circles.

for added brain twist do this in butterfly.

alternate pendulums. moving from the elbow make both poi spin. put one poi into pendulum and then swap which poi is in pendulum, without having both poi do the same thing. change your swapping times to get all the directions.

anyone else got ideas for warmup exercises?

T wave

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

MikeIconGOLD Member
2,109 posts
Location: Philadelphia, PA - USA

Turning an under the leg weave 360 degrees standing on one foot then switching and turning the other way. Great balance exercise.

7 beat weaves without wraps stretch out your upper arm/shoulders a lot.

Let's turn those old bridges we crossed into ashes.
We'll blaze a new trail,
and torch the rough patches.


[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,749 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

I was thinkng about stuff you would do before you go for the 7beat weave, and also thats not to helpfull if you cant do one. simple moves that streach the muscles and maybe tease the brain. The same goes for a 360 utl weave, tho something for ballance is a good idea.

body twists are good, finding a recoil poit on the body and twisting to both sides

t wave

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

MikeIconGOLD Member
2,109 posts
Location: Philadelphia, PA - USA

Simple extensions done slowly for a length of time improves control and stretches the arms. Like doing a long arm split time spin at your sides, then turning it backward, stalling one and go into extended butterfly at your sides, turn that and stall the other and repeat. Do it slowly and try to keep it as straight on the planes as possible.

Let's turn those old bridges we crossed into ashes.
We'll blaze a new trail,
and torch the rough patches.


RevBRONZE Member
Bastard Newbie Messiah
1,269 posts
Location: Apparently lost in my ego, USA

you knwo..I've been an athelete since I was 5.. and I never have stretched.. not seriously at least.. and what do I ahve to show for it? I've got tight hamstrings..in other words..I can't touch my toes.. I dont' really find stretching to be necessary.. just practice the mvoes you need to practice.. for instance.. some of my crossers take a good bit of stretching.. so I don't do them right after I get done lifting weights you know.. lol..

then again I may not actively stretch.. but I do fin that moving from weave to btbe.. to my wallplane btb, then into heavy stuff helps.. because basically your weave(or butterfly weave) gets you moving.. the btb gets you limber.. and the waist wraps from the wall plane stuff get you stratched alittle before jumping into something like a crosser..

I dont'understand the 7bt thing.. Idon't find myselfstretching before or stretched after words.. jsut kind sore from slamming elbow into armand twisting.. lol.. but we allknow I'mjust a freak of nature..

More useless information courtesy of Rev...
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DentrassiGOLD Member
3,045 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

i currently run 7km to get from work to spinning. that tends to be a good warm up!

"Here kitty kitty...." - Schroedinger.

StoneGOLD Member
Stream Entrant
2,829 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Warm-ups: I do a ten km run, 50 laps in the pool and play a game of tennis before I start poi. No, not really, but I'm told you need a bit of aerobic type exercise to get the body working.

I stretch arms and legs, with some balancing on one leg, touch toes, stretch back, and a few squats. Slow neck rotations, shoulder rotations, flap my wrists, arm and elbows a bit to loosen them up. I should do a few push-up, but... The I do a my long arm exercises, some of which are similar to Nix shoulder circles, I think.

Forward and backwards full arm circles (wheel plane). Then one forward and back (takes practice, learn slowly). Then outward and inward full arm circles (side plane). Change into alternating pattern by including a shoulder circle.

Then a combination, starting from the front. Outward full arm circles, step left (or right) to one forward and back long arm circles, another step left to inward full arm circles (facing opposite to where u started) then take another step for one forward and back long arm circle again. Then another step to end up in an outward full arm circle, and back to where u started.

If we as members of the human race practice meditation, we can transcend our fear, despair, and forgetfulness. Meditation is not an escape. It is the courage to look at reality with mindfulness and concentration. Thich Nhat Hanh

3,149 posts
Location: London

if i don't warmup a little before spinning then i tend to feel achey at the end of the night. More with double staff than poi. i tend to use poi as a warmup for doubles...

warm-uppy stuff i like with poi:
(the names are my own. i know this because i made them up just now. i know they may have other names and were not necessarily invented by the indicated person or entity yadda yadda yadda no responsibility will ever be accepted by simian for the stupidity of any words or actions regardless of their origin etc rsvp)

Smallboy Stretches:
wheel plane btb weave (backwards) doing shoulder circles (or extra circles in a 'flower') with the "non-stretching" arm.

The Kev Full Twist:
wallplane, same direction, split timed. Left hand reaches behind back and in front of right hip (btb waistwrap stretch), right hand reaches in front of body and behind left shoulder. Then go to the exact mirror of this position in a single beat. Then return. Repeat until arms fall off.

You can do that with loads of extra flowered beats too. But only if you're a wuss tongue ubblol

the kommpletely kerrazy kerrosser kommmbobo
rolleyes ok, i apologise for the name. it was the first thing that sprang to mind...
Start from forward spinning.
cross arms left over right, keep them crossed and turn 180 degrees to the right.
Keep arms crossed.
Turn back to the left.
Keep arms crossed.
Turn back to the right again.
Uncross arms then cross again right over left.
Turn to left.
Turn to right.
Turn to left.
Uncross arms.
Repeat until you hit yourself in the mouth and your gums start bleeding.

(thats the quickest way i've found to practice all [of what i consider to be] the basic crossers)

Come on now! Poiercise! Work those... um... deltoids? No, they're a type of mint aren't they? confused

"Switching between different kinds of chuu chuu sometimes gives this "urgh wtf?" effect because it's giving people the phi phenomenon."

originalsmitSILVER Member
469 posts
Location: nottingham, england. cornwall wales denmark or pra...

yes and a more delicious and refreshing mint you will not find.

i generally do the harsh nasty warmup i do for caporia if im gonna have a serious session. it helps with general everythingness which is nice. but also like taking a severe beating spank

warmups for the mind. dunno

alter it in some way
but i wouldnt know how to go about altering my mind. wink

my original signature was tooo long.
this one is shorter

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