Dragon7GOLD Member addict 625 posts Location: Aotearoa (NZ), New Zealand
Posted: Why is it that when i "make" my edited version, that its only 1/2 the quality of the origonal? Plz help.
Im using windows movie maker. I had real good profesional editing software but never use it so i deleted it...now i have a video...freakin Murphys law.
Is there anyway to make the fottage clearer (or keeping it decent)...or do i have to get a "friend" to burn me a copy of Prem or something better?
*Actually it rivals only Benders for quality * Maybee i should keep it like that
Oh yea...if you wanna see the "teaser" pm me your e-mail. EDITED_BY: Taniwha7 (1082450701)
Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member still can't believe it's not butter 6,978 posts Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posted: ummm i nuffink about microsoft video editing solutions. try downloading 'virtualdub' for all your freely downloadble opensource video compositing packing needs
Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always
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