Forums > Events, Performances and Gatherings > im looking for some fellow dutch spinners

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stickmanWorld Champ Procrastinator
580 posts
Location: ||...lost...||

frown hi there,

hey, is there anyone on HOP who is currently or shortly will be living in holland? just moved back home and i havent found the spinning community yet confused

spinning on my own is fun, but, ya know, i gotsta find some, umm, colleagues (?).. identify yourselves! im lonely ubbcrying beerchug

anonomatosGOLD Member
389 posts
Location: Utrecht [NL], Netherlands


Well. That's because the poi-community in NL exist of:
-People that are too busy to even look on this forum.
-People that are too lazy to even look on this forum.
-People that are too crazy to even look on this forum.

There should be an Utrecht-meet pretty soon (weather is not that bad) but we'll prolly end up with just a few peepz, but that's ok.

PM me your number (if your okay with that) so I can contact you if there's something in Utrecht going on.

@ALL: Sunday 24th of august there will be the "In Vervoering" festival in the Lepelenburg park. THE best excuse to bring your juggly stuff :-) official meet will be posted later on.

"Don’t know how long, this one’s gonna take;
I could fail, but I’d rather be a fuckup, than a fake"

126 posts
Location: Alkmaar, the Netherlands

Hoi Nephties,

I was just wondering,.. does the cheep cost of an Ameland kampeerboerderij weigh up against the extra cost of having to pay (especially if coming by car) the ferry trip?


~Look into the sphere Sarah,.. it can show you your dreams,...

Nephtysresident fridge magnet
835 posts
Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Yay for the enthusiasm! Sorry peeps, I'm one of the crazy busy people, though the busy-ness should subside soon, and then I'll really start putting serious time into this - but i'll open a separate thread for it ASAP.

Marco, actually I'm sure similar locations have similar prices all around The Netherlands, I was looking at the Wadden because I think it's really beautiful there. The ferry without a car is only 11 euros return, but with a car it would become a whole lot more expensive... which begs the question, is a car necessary? smile

But either way, the Wadden are quite a long way off from most places, and this is absolutely a democratic event so if people would prefer to go elsewhere please do shout out! My only requirement is pretty surroundings smile



everyone's unique except me

126 posts
Location: Alkmaar, the Netherlands

Beutifull location sounds wonderful!

As for if a car is necesary,.. i think it depends a lot on what kind of event you have in mind of putting together. If people wish to come and bring (or expect) stuff like anonomatos
"I've got some cool ideas with junkyard installations and fire-theater-acts... anyone in for some crazy Robodock / Burning Man'ish things?"
then I'm actually expecting a couple of trucks to arrive and volunteers bevorehand to put it all together.
Would rock for sure :-p

But you are right in that a car is only nesecary for those involved in organising or wanting to bring more then their juggling equipment and sleeping gear.


~Look into the sphere Sarah,.. it can show you your dreams,...

marloes2001BRONZE Member
8 posts
Location: Netherlands

Sounds like fun Nephtys ! weavesmiley

It would be nice if it is a little bit more central in the country instead of the wadden...
What kind of location do you have in mind? Scouting huts are not that expensive and there are lots of them!

When do you want to organise the weekend?

Essiej_ElectraSILVER Member
4 posts
Location: Netherlands

@ Anonomatos

Thnx, would like to come to Utrecht to do some poi stuff and meet some of y'all weavesmiley
Check your inbox for my PM.

Never heard of In Vervoering Festival...
Just checked out the website (thank god there's google),
looks like fun! However, I'm kinda broke right now, so I'm probably gonna have to wait untill this other Utrecht-meet.


"in the future everyone will be world-famous for fifteen minutes"

_pOp_BRONZE Member
Playing OldSchool Poi
593 posts
Location: amsterdam, Netherlands

hello y'all..
yes, sorry sorry.. I guess we are all guilty for not replying too much in this thread anymore, but I still have it send all the new posts to my inbox, so I am up to date.
if this big meet will happen, please plan it a bit in advance.
most of the meets I seem to miss because it is too last minute planning for me, and then on a weekend evening I can't cancel work anymore.
but give me notice in advance and I will be there.
a nice sunny afternoon in Utrecht seems like a sound plan too, but we need to find a better place to eat at, because that snackbar from the last time I attended still makes my stomach turn just by the thought of it..

oh, I sometimes get PM's about the dutch spinners list (thread), but I think I already announced 2 years ago that it was too much for me to update.
if somebody wants to give me an updated list with all the names, cities, HoP-links and website-links, then I will put it in the format of a thread and post it in that first message again

meditate eRic.

I'm not normally a religious man, but if you're up there, save me, Superman!

Nessa Lossehelinstranger
14 posts

Nephtus call me when you have time about tha plan!!

A weekend with you all is always cool :-)
And I havent seen you for al long time!!

(about Arne, there are a lot of movies on youtube with him on the stage look for vanaevents or Castlefest 2008 and omnia... something like that tongue2 )


Nessa Lossehelinstranger
14 posts


20 sept i have a little party, just because it can :-)
In Eefde, near Zutphen and Deventer. In the woods...
We cannot play with fire in the wood, but we can nearby. Sow, if you feel like chilling just send my a e-mail so i can tell you the adress...

Love Lana

31 posts
Location: Deventer

Originally Posted By: anonomatosWell. That's because the poi-community in NL exist of:
-People that are too busy to even look on this forum.
-People that are too lazy to even look on this forum.
-People that are too crazy to even look on this forum.

Sorry, I suppose I am one of those people; busy, lazy and crazy smile
It's at least half a year ago that I checked this tread... And my poi are a bit dusty also. Time to hang the lamp in my livingroom a bit higher en start practising again.

I would love to come to the weekend! Especially when it's in a nice area. But... most of my weekends are already 'booked' (with going to nice places and meeting with cool people). So I can't garantee that I will come.

JarethBRONZE Member
Fire Arts Dabbler
37 posts
Location: Netherlands, Brabant, Uden

Regrettably I will be collecting my new poi from my custom builder on that date. And I've been putting that deal off for some time now, so I can't really reschedual it...
Maybe next time!
Perhaps I'll organise something somewhere in the upcoming months! wink

Real name: Sjors
Gender: Male
Age: Almost 22
Location: Uden, the Netherlands (when not on the road)
Disciplines: (Fire)Poi, Firebreathing, Diabolo
Learning: Staff

anonomatosGOLD Member
389 posts
Location: Utrecht [NL], Netherlands

everybody seems to be terribly busy and my weekends are booked for the next 3 weeks... wish i was a cat, then I had 9 lives (8 lives for juggling) grin

but, definately time for a utrecht-meet again. looks like the summer is slightly fading so a tad bit short notice but still I propose:
-27th september
-4th october

I say lepelenburg-park utrecht, there's always place to shelter. I'll be stalking some utrecht peepz soon. Hope something turns out!

Anyone in?

"Don’t know how long, this one’s gonna take;
I could fail, but I’d rather be a fuckup, than a fake"

JarethBRONZE Member
Fire Arts Dabbler
37 posts
Location: Netherlands, Brabant, Uden

27th of september and I'm in!
Got the other date booked regretably...

Real name: Sjors
Gender: Male
Age: Almost 22
Location: Uden, the Netherlands (when not on the road)
Disciplines: (Fire)Poi, Firebreathing, Diabolo
Learning: Staff

666 posts
Location: Netherlands

Crawls out from behind the lazy rock, 27th is good for me too.

Come forth and thou shalt win enternal happiness. but he came fifth so he won an electric toatser.

465 posts
Location: Netherlands

I will try to be there.

Hmm, there's gotta be something round and shiny, I can play with

ArneGOLD Member
17 posts
Location: Leerdam, Netherlands

Hey guys, this sunday there will be a meating in utrecht from poiforumnl starting around 13:00. anyone who would like to be there
for more info.


anonomatosGOLD Member
389 posts
Location: Utrecht [NL], Netherlands

I might even make it this sunday ^_^

"Don’t know how long, this one’s gonna take;
I could fail, but I’d rather be a fuckup, than a fake"

465 posts
Location: Netherlands

I'm gonna tr for sunday, but don't get your hopes up... wink

Hmm, there's gotta be something round and shiny, I can play with

ArneGOLD Member
17 posts
Location: Leerdam, Netherlands

Cool even people from HoP are going to show up smile it's going to be a nice meeting!

anonomatosGOLD Member
389 posts
Location: Utrecht [NL], Netherlands

Next saturday (27th sept) is the next poi-meeting (and maybe even the last casual meeting this season?) in Lepelenburg-park!

Gather 'round, gather 'round!

The weather forecast looks promising (18 graden, zonnig)!

Time of the meeting will follow...

"Don’t know how long, this one’s gonna take;
I could fail, but I’d rather be a fuckup, than a fake"

39 posts

I will be there.

CarobananasGOLD Member
april fool
36 posts
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

Hey Nephtys,
is there any news about the poi-spinning weekend on Ameland, or whereever?
Is that still going to happen?

MaaiSILVER Member
56 posts
Location: Arnhem, Netherlands

So I come here looking for someone to help me to learn some new tricks because I need to put up a fire poi performance in a bellydance show.
And here I find that there's a meeting this weekend! I can't come on sunday, but hope I can on saturday (school's a bitch). Utrecht would be great, but where do we meet? Because I have no idea where lepelenburg is.

And if I can't come to the meeting: Is there anyone near Arnhem/Nijmegen who can give some tips and tricks? I've been spinning for a few years, but my technique is noooob!

Without Poi in heaven, I won't go!

ComaSILVER Member
28 posts
Location: Netherlands

why not this sunday...too bad

MaaiSILVER Member
56 posts
Location: Arnhem, Netherlands

Because I have bellydance classes. The classes for wich I need to learn spin poi better. tongue2

Without Poi in heaven, I won't go!

anonomatosGOLD Member
389 posts
Location: Utrecht [NL], Netherlands

Saturday 27th meeting:

We meet 16:00h @ lepelenburg.

I heard some might be a little earlier (but still have a hard time getting definitive reactions), but I've got some work to do earlier in the afternoon on saturday so I'LL be there from 16h onwards.

If you don't know where it is, take the bus to the Schouwburg (don't be afraid to ask) and walk to the right (opposite of the Schouwburg-building) alongside the water. Follow that and you'll see a small circus-like tent thingy. That's the place to be :-)

PM me for my phone number if you think you need that. I'll be checking regularly.

"Don’t know how long, this one’s gonna take;
I could fail, but I’d rather be a fuckup, than a fake"

666 posts
Location: Netherlands

see you tomorrow grin
EDITED_BY: Mot (1222447909)

Come forth and thou shalt win enternal happiness. but he came fifth so he won an electric toatser.

465 posts
Location: Netherlands

I'm there!

Hmm, there's gotta be something round and shiny, I can play with

AmitrixGOLD Member
5 posts
Location: Israel

I'm a spinner from Israel.
Going to Amsterdam for two weeks since 10/10/08.
Anyone wanna meet and spin together? =)
EDITED_BY: Amitrix (1223128105)

anonomatosGOLD Member
389 posts
Location: Utrecht [NL], Netherlands

Seems like a wasteland here...

So Neph, how about the (Ameland)Juggling-Weekend-Off?
I can use a spin, to keep me from freezing!

"Don’t know how long, this one’s gonna take;
I could fail, but I’d rather be a fuckup, than a fake"

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