Forums > Social Chat > Dealing with children hecklers

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57 posts
Location: Sydney

Seems that during the last few performances we've done, there's at least a few obnoxious kids (7-12yrs old) that decide to heckle.

Most of the usual retorts aren't appropriate, or are too rude for kids. Worst still, it's usually the kids that end up putting coins in the hat at the end anyway so we don't want to insult them too much.

So, aside from ignoring them or using them as volunteers, any ideas?

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

This is so bizarre. Every time I've spun with kids around, they've totally tripped out on it and loved it.

I don't get it.

I just don't.


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

123 posts
Location: brooklyn

This is a tad offtopic i know..but i was just reminded that NYC is a teacher... I was wondering if he taught at brooklyn tech..i know you want to keep ur identity a secret..but just answer that one question

Follow Wuggarooism10)Dons't cheateth on thee's significant other9) If thou seest a pig that resembles thee's friend...dont eateth the pig...perhaps it is thee's friend8) If thou talkest shit..thou is a pansy7) Don't buttith into conversations for it will be over thous head6) Dont let stupid comments go unpunished they can only leadest to thous anyurysms5) Dont lie to your friends4) Thou areest what thou arest don't change thou for anyone 3) Masturbation isnt a crime2) When a horse comes up to thou and sayest baaa thou must run!1) Be excellent to eachother

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

OK... Just finished my last teaching day.. and I miss them already.

Naaa WuG, I teach out in the burbs. I used to teach in Brooklyn down the block from Tech. I would have loved to hook up with you this summer but I'll be out in France with my sweet. Perhaps we can hook up in the fall.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

123 posts
Location: brooklyn

That sounds cool... I'll be in the suburbs anyways cuz im attending college in Stony Brook... GO SEAWOLVES!!...god knows what one of those are..but thats their going to a college that made up their own mascot by combining two things nature intended on putting together..well im me anytime maybe we can exchange techniques

Follow Wuggarooism10)Dons't cheateth on thee's significant other9) If thou seest a pig that resembles thee's friend...dont eateth the pig...perhaps it is thee's friend8) If thou talkest shit..thou is a pansy7) Don't buttith into conversations for it will be over thous head6) Dont let stupid comments go unpunished they can only leadest to thous anyurysms5) Dont lie to your friends4) Thou areest what thou arest don't change thou for anyone 3) Masturbation isnt a crime2) When a horse comes up to thou and sayest baaa thou must run!1) Be excellent to eachother

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Hecklers are great when busking! Especially the preteens!

I've seriously thought about paying a few kids to heckle me on purpose whenever I've got the hat out.

Forget the kids themselves, pay you attention to the rest of the crowd, and follow each insult with light sarcasm, the odd nice joke and keep smiling the whole time. If you show that you can easily deal with the nasty kids, and not get affected by them at all, the crowd will give you 5 times as much money.

Use their comments to be blaze and humble about your skills too, this is a great money spinner.

Keep smiling, keep it nice and most of all...Constantly talk about the kids to the rest of the audience, never address them directly. It gives you a common point of interest with the crowd, and gets them to leave if they are just after attention.

Kids - "Hey loser, you suck"
ME (to the happy couple nearby) "They're right, I do"
Happy couple + some others "No man, your awesome!"

Kids - "Go home dickhead!"
ME (to another part of the crowd) "I'd love to, but I had a house fire (wink)"

Kids - "Boring"
ME - (to the old grandmother nearby) "Did you hear something, I get a bit deaf with all this fire rushing around in the air all the time). (BIG BIG SMILE)

Well, that's the way I handle them anyway, I make them part of the show for everyone else, but no for them.

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123 posts
Location: brooklyn

you also gotta matter where you go...there will always be sum one either trying to prove themselves or just enjoys to rag on people. they do this cuz they need to be the center of attention, and since ur in the spot light...they gotta steal it away from you. The best way to not let them into it is to ignore them... i think thats a better breakdown than what i had before

Follow Wuggarooism10)Dons't cheateth on thee's significant other9) If thou seest a pig that resembles thee's friend...dont eateth the pig...perhaps it is thee's friend8) If thou talkest shit..thou is a pansy7) Don't buttith into conversations for it will be over thous head6) Dont let stupid comments go unpunished they can only leadest to thous anyurysms5) Dont lie to your friends4) Thou areest what thou arest don't change thou for anyone 3) Masturbation isnt a crime2) When a horse comes up to thou and sayest baaa thou must run!1) Be excellent to eachother

FireMikeZLaguna dude
1,438 posts
Location: Laguna, California, US

Bram, gotta say,

"( if you don't know how to gut an eel you have to nail it down first and then stick the knife in its ass and cut up)'

that's a killer, especially from an aquarist like you, totally loved the phrase!

molten cheers,

~ FireMike (personal messages welcome, no promo spam, please!)
Laguna, California, US

cutie poi girliemember
237 posts
Location: porthtowan, truro, cornwall

why does everyone hear hate punks?

Luv peace 'n' chicken grease Al X x

149 posts
Location: in the minds of many

I don't CPG, I just hate the babies that can't keep thier mouthes shut about stuff they can't do saying it's easy.
However, I did swing glowsticks last night at the local skating rink and now i got a little student i'm going to teach poi to every wednesdayz so thats cool.
Any tips you can give me that i can give the lil' dude???
life is a waterfall,
we drink from the river
then we turn around and put up or walls.S.O.A.D.

[ 01 September 2002, 23:55: Message edited by: Shinova:thefiredemon ]

Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

Personally, I find hating anyone a complete waste of my energy. There are certain people, and some personality types that I'm indifferent to but I hate no-one.

Love is the answer

Onelove Thistlefirepixie

Are we nearly there yet?

30 posts
Location: Halifax, NovaScotia

I think only the obvious applies in that situation..
Since you have a student:
He should address you as Master, and you address him as Padawan.

It only makers sense.

---------------Did I say Corpse Hatch? I meant innocence tube.ENOUGH PHILOSOPHY, LET'S FART!

30 posts
Location: Halifax, NovaScotia

I think only the obvious applies in that situation..
Since you have a student:
He should address you as Master, and you address him as Padawan.

It only makers sense.

---------------Did I say Corpse Hatch? I meant innocence tube.ENOUGH PHILOSOPHY, LET'S FART!

30 posts
Location: Halifax, NovaScotia

Man...I hate it when I double post...

---------------Did I say Corpse Hatch? I meant innocence tube.ENOUGH PHILOSOPHY, LET'S FART!

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

You can always delete one.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

keyarghahPLATINUM Member
Woodford is Goodford..!
241 posts
Location: Sydney at heart., Australia

****6 YEAR BUMP!!

I got heckled pretty badly at a festival in aus the other day, but thats because i was dressed as a mime and apparantly drunk 15 year olds dont take kindly to mimes. anyway, i was performing, and it sucked. one of the other guys i was performing with got called a fag and punched in the face 3 times. like... what do you do? when theres no security about?
anyway, it got me thinking and im researching... does anyone have any good heckler comebacks?

with kids, one of the speels i have is
Nice Kid: "Wooooah how do you DO that??"
Me: "Well, can i tell you a secret? i have a pet dragon at home, and he taught me how to do it. But dont tell anyone!"

Really good for fire eating, breathing (not that i breathe) and fire fleshing/trails... good because the kid wont go home and try it because they dont have a dragon to teach them etc. if they dotn believe me, i go right up to them and eat about a metre away from them.

with hecklers, though, if they are old enough, and they shout out something rude, i agree its because they want to be part of the spectacle - so i will try to involve them, if theyre innocently heckling - that is.
Me: "Whats that? ladies and gentlemen i think we have a volunteer! Step right up sir"
..and then i proceed to spin around him, tell him in his ear not to move, or hel get seriously injured. get the audience to give him a round of applause, make a joke after finished spinning around him like "WOW THAT WENT WELL, AND ITS STILL MY FIRST DAY!"

but how do you deal with the really mean ones, that get the crowd on their side? just trying to think of different ways to deal...



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