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RevBRONZE Member
Bastard Newbie Messiah
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Location: Apparently lost in my ego, USA

that's what i call it for two reasons: its threads each arm.. and its split like an alternating butterfly..

Ok.. so let me break it down into two parts that are easy to learn individually..

1) from a forward 4bt ttn.. take the right over the left arm and back under.. instead of pushing out.. spin a beat under the arm but in front the chest.. then push out as normal.. then bring the left over and under.. and let it do a beat there before pushing out...


2) from a 4bt ttn.. take the right hand over the left, under, and push out.. as the left comes out from under, pull it inside (buzzsaw) rather then outside.. as it comes around and over the right arm.. and then bring the right arm inside (buzzsaw) and over..

also nifty..

3) from a 4bt ttn.. bring the right hand over the left and back to the inner plane (under arms in front of the chest) as it pushes out, bring the left poi inside (buzzsaw) and over the right, straight into the inner plane.. and finally as the left pushes out bring the right inside (buzzsaw) and over..

here are two vids.. one front view.. (not so clear) and the second a side view (really brings the planes out, as well as accents the buzzsaw part)

split threading [right click save as]

split threading (side) [right click save as]

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PyrolificBRONZE Member
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yo dude - I like it smile Nice one, and thanks heaps for the vid links.


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Dragon7GOLD Member
625 posts
Location: Aotearoa (NZ), New Zealand

Awsome biggrin but you really need to slowmo that $hit. ubblol its so fast that i can even see the split, but ill take your wrd for it wink

much much cooler than those ubbloco diagrams. Im still d-loading the 2nd clip but the 1st one looks alot like b-fly weave and parts of it are horozontal in front like corkscrew plane.

RevBRONZE Member
Bastard Newbie Messiah
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Location: Apparently lost in my ego, USA

#1 not so clear.. its from the front and the speed makes it hard to tell where it passes inside...

#2 much more clear on the inner part (chest) and the inside pass (buzzsaw)

I have a slower motion version but it doesnt really help as much as the side view does.. and it was 1.18 which meant I had to email it versus ping it. lol..

the real kicker..

is doing it in reverse.. because then you can bf weave it.. muwahaha..

and ps... this is only the bottom version.. you can doa similar version.. bascially I guess inverted.. instead of coming uncer the arms and in front of the chest you pass above the amrs and in fornt the face.. but it doesnt look near as cool or as much fun..

I needed something to call the thread so I called it split threading.. if it goes by another name let me know.. its a bit like butterfly weaving.. its got buzzsaw parts.. and its like a crosser in that the poi stay in opposite planes.. once you play with it you'll see how you twist the butterfly around.. its weird.. and weird is good..

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DomBRONZE Member
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Kinda like a windmill going between arms and body, but it's a TTN instead...

RevBRONZE Member
Bastard Newbie Messiah
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Location: Apparently lost in my ego, USA

with a bit of buzzsaw.. too..

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colemanSILVER Member
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this sounds f*cked up biggrin

cheers rev - will be watching tonight on my return to a network that lets me download cool things...


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RevBRONZE Member
Bastard Newbie Messiah
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Location: Apparently lost in my ego, USA

its just a whoel different take on the thread the needle I think.. nothing overly special.. just a way of showing how a minor change in placement of the poi amounts to a dramatic difference in the end..

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oliSILVER Member
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cool video man.. *runs off to see how hard it is*

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They shouldn't do that no no no

275 posts
Location: ati: on: She: ffi: eld: UK:

wheres the buzzsaw??? that looks like a 4bt ttn with the extra beats held inside instead of pushed through. you've always got one inside, one outside during the underarm parts, and both outside during the bit where you change which ones inside.
'buzzsaw' and 'inside' aren't interchangable terms... buzzsaw needs both planes facing each other, inside is between the arm and the body
do the move one hand at a time, say bringing the right hand over the left and inside. the left poi stays outside (in fact, you can do it without moving the left hand at all, just bring the right inside over the left, then push through.)

awesome move though. also works with a split time 3bt ttn.


275 posts
Location: ati: on: She: ffi: eld: UK:

in fact, apart from a buzzsaw and a bfly buzzsaw, i don't know any other moves that would count as being 'buzzsaw'. the cross arms buzzsaw only counts if you do it in isolation and count the bit in front of you as the only bit that counts... (if you see what i mean...) the crossed arms buzzsaw is the transition you do to do a wholly inside 2bt weave, and like a normal 2bt weave, the planes never face each other during the transition. but if you only do the crossarms bit, and try to look at it on it's own to see what it is, you're more likely to pull it out into a buzzsaw than to put it into an inside weave, so you end up forcing the planes to be what you think thay are rather than where they want to be. the other natural way to pull it out would be into a straight jacket, wich is an inside crosser (not an _inverted_ crosser as i said in another post... i've been using inverted for single staff moves where the plane of the staff faces your body... which makes sense when there's only one thing to think about, but in poi type terms, they're all inside plane moves.)



(edited for that last bit about SJ's)
EDITED_BY: tenticle (1092786147)

DuncGOLD Member
playing the days away
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Location: The Middle lands, United Kingdom

DUDE! That's almost what I just posted into new moves thread!!!

Do exectly the same entry but isolate the buzzsaw part round your arm, they then fall nicely into buttefly hyperloop for a few beats till you're ready to pop them out!

WICKED! biggrin

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2,364 posts
Location: austin,tx

WOW what a badass move!
wish i had more time to understand your breakdown but i don't have to, to like it biggrin

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duballstarSILVER Member
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i've been havin a lot of fun with this move lately mr.rev. still haven't properly explored it yet though but comined with other inside moves + transitions it seems very nice... smile

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RevBRONZE Member
Bastard Newbie Messiah
1,269 posts
Location: Apparently lost in my ego, USA

ben- by buzzsaw I meant the 1/2-3/4 of spin that occurs between the arms as the right poi comes between the arms over the left arm.. and aslo as the left part comes between the arms over the right.. I needed a way to distinguish the inner from inside without overly confusing the issue..

all- yeah weaving this thing is hella fun I think.. the real kicker is though.. itsonly half the set.. the other half requires doing a similar motion onle overr arms and in front the face.. freaking BLEH.. but yeah.. the lower bits are fun as hell..

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275 posts
Location: ati: on: She: ffi: eld: UK:

fair enough, i can get a buzzsaw in there instead of just going straight inside, but it dosn't look any different, it's just whether you turn your left hand over before the right poi goes over or after its gone over... if you do it completely wall plane that bit disapears, if you do it by turning your shoulders, then both times where you turn your shoulders you can add a half beat buzzsaw if you want. smile otherwise its just back to the normal 4bt ttn middle position.


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