Forums > Events, Performances and Gatherings > Starting a group of glowswingers in Sault Ste Marie

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16 posts
Location: Sault Ste Marie Ontario Canada

Hello, I am looking for people in Sault Ste Marie Ontario and surrounding areas that are interested in starting a group of Poi and glowswingers...I know of a few people that would like to try it out, is there anyone interested in it please let me know I would love to start this asap, as I know everyone has jobs and lives and whatnot but all that would be kept into concideration smile I might be moving soon and I'm not sure exactly where but it probably wont be for a while so anyone interested in this please let me know smile Or if anyone has anything they'd like to talk to me about with starting this group pls any information would be very much helpful thanks a bunch.

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