IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

Ive been looking through the forums and have noticed that although there are threads about learning staff and Poi moves there arnt any about diabolo. Therefore im taking it abon my self to start one

There are more selfish reason though wink i have reached a difficult point were i cant seem to find any truely great new tricks to learn frown it used to be so easy just talk to a juggle or look on the net and find one but now theres no diaboloists around gollege and ive learnt near enough all the 1 diabolo tricks on the net.

Any one got any original tricks they wouldnt mind passing along the great vine? smile

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IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

The only trick that is on my horizons at the moment is a sun between the legs. I’ve got movies of it and it looks simple as anything. It looks like you just enter from the right-front do a normal sun with our hands between your legs, then exit by the back-left. I think i will have to spend ages 2moro sorting it out.

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IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

Completly forgot but the last trick I learnt was the no hand suiicde. It was great i was on a beach in cornwall playing about then it just struck me like a wet jelly fish (leaving a bit of a sting). Instead of realesing to the right and letting go of both sticks you do it to the left!! it may sound stupid but ive been trying to o it the right which is the wrong way for about 2 months. Its a peace of p!ss. Y dont you give it a try? Go on go do it. Now!

fire leads to creation

117 posts
Location: Norwich, UK

My fav Diablo trick is one i've never seen in books or sites so maybe u haven't either smile

dancers leap? hold both sticks in one hand by the handle end, each pointing a different direction. this will make a mupside down triangle. junp through it and try to weave your body through and not hit the Diablo with your back or bum. give it a go and if you got any probs let me know i'll see if i can sort out a pic or something smile

IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

wow never heard of that before. I will give it a go in a second. It will warent a longer string I imagine, how long do you think? Thank you biggrin

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IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

One trick i recently tried on for size was a vareation on a monorail. Normaly a monorail is a wrap around a limb such as a arm or leg but what i tried out was a wrap around the waste. Lots more fun, you hav to lean back alot so it feels like limbo dancing smile

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IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

I had a very interesting experience yesterday. I tried to turn my old wooden sticks into new fire diabolo sticks. Simply stapled a lil bit of kevlar to the ends and lit up. It was great! i loved the way suicides looked.

unfortunutly the sticks are no more as suprising to me, wooden sticks burn eek but i think it would be a cool finaly to a fire diabolo preformence. Or maybe i should look into making metal sticks with wooden handles devil

fire leads to creation

117 posts
Location: Norwich, UK

For dancers leap i use my usuall length string (more of a challenge) and that is from the floor to my noseish. love the fire sticks smile i think beard or mr mabache (spelling????) do or at least did aluminum handsticks with rubberised handle bits. or you could try plastic ones but they might char...?

IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

It would most likly be more cost effective to make them myself tho (cheap skate). by the way i found the spare tent poles (the dome type) make for excellent posh sticks. They grind even longer than the fiber glass preformer sticks.

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IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

BIG news, was the first day back a gollege today and i had an unexpected pressie. The gift was a diabolo and carbon sticks that i thought someone had stolen at a party 2 months back. It turns out that what acturly happened was I had taken the diabolo for a spin in a hayfield. The problem was that i was just a lil under the influence beerchug so i left it there (it wasnt fire before some pushy person thinks that i need a lecture). My faith in strangers has been restored (atleast alil bit). Well you live and learn. Its great though its just like getting givin a diabolo for free as i had completly given up hope. bounce2 :jump for joy punching the air like the end of any good teen movie(in the 80s anyway):

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IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

Spent most of 2day trying to get this new seqeuence down. It constists a of a suicide goin under the leg (both diabolo and one stick under the left leg). This catchs leaving the string over the top not under. because of this my arms a crossed, but it is so hard to get it back into doing crossarmed leg orbits. Will be worth the effert tho.

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IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

Its been one hell of a day jam backed with juggling. I feel like ive learnt so much.

Firstly ive got the hang of that suicide entry i explained yestererday as well as thinking of a smooth way to link it to the rest of one of my leg combos, by simple taking both sticks in the right to do a puppet master, simply yet effective from a preforming point of view.

I also got the hang of getting into around the leg again using a suicide but this time using a inverted stopover so it comes to an open string.

Also thought of a smooth transition trick for under the leg to behind the back. i used to use the uncrassful technique of steping the second leg over the string, im can use a wrap suicide out then catch the stick behind. Its alot more imprestive.
Ive got the hang of columns with 2 as well, there alot easier than they look.

Ive also finaly got the hang of the 3 beat weave. For a whole week i hadnt noticed that all it involved was one more right hand movement.

Next thing i want to tryis jugglers tennis with the tennis ball going behind the the head. That EJC 2003 vid has realy inspired me to think more about 3 ball juggling.

Do you think im spreading my self abit thin ???. I just want to learning everything under the sun. It must be a condition, cirtituse or some thing sounding like that biggrin

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IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

Hey i cant help but notice that noone likes my thread. Oh well has neva stopped me makin a fool of my self before.

Just thought I would post my new idea for a combination trick, will take ages to learn tho me thinks. I was thinking it would be possible to go from leg orbits right back wrap the genocide that wraps the string around the leg so if I can then catch it will go into a monorail around the leg.

Should be nice when I get it perfect.

ill tell ya how it goes.

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IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

ah the happy time when every trick seems just out of reach smile. Thats why ive started other forms of juggling to relive the beginning do you gget what i mean?

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IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

Nothing to do with diabolo although ona short note my fav radiant oddball is on it last legs, Renegade here i come(every cloud and so on). The reason for this entry is that i have passed a mile stone in my life.... I can fire breath . Ive spendt the past week spitting water all over my back garden until finaly i could get the fine mist everytime as it said on the article on this site. I did it three times and on the third i filmed it. The only hard thing is supressing the urge to do it again this week, i dont want cancer which means i most likly wouldnt do it again now i know i can.

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The Phyreflyjourneyman
81 posts
Location: Merced, Ca, usa

Yo- Finally a diabolo thread!! (we diabolists get no respect...) I am kinda a diabolo veteran but I play with so many different toys that I guess you could say i got alot of learning to do ( i mean, between my poi, staff, diabolo & contact juggling-you could say i am spread a little thin!) But that under the leg sun sounds fun- I can already do a sun where the diabolo starts by doing a rotation in front, then u swing the diabolo behind yer back to unwind the string. ( i know- it's a rookie trick but i am still proud of myself!) Another fun trick i like doing is going from a stick grind, then a toss to a whip catch. Whoohoo! clap

fire is the light that shines in all of us. Be sure your light shines brightly wherever you go.

117 posts
Location: Norwich, UK

Wow. Nice to know this thread is still going.

Just wondering... has anybody done a 4 cross cradel? I know Cats, Tigers and Lions but has anybody done 4 crosses? I did it last night and managed to get out of it and keep the diabolo going smile i also just managed to do a fun new suicide i've never seen before.

If anybody has done 4 what's it called?

IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

Ive never done it before, how did you do it? and ive never heard of what a four cross cradle should be called maybe Leopards Cradle or a four leave clover cradle smile

fire leads to creation

117 posts
Location: Norwich, UK

i've thought Puma's cradel.

make a tigers using your fingers to hold the string then add the third cross without flicking the diabolo up. once the 3rd cross is in flick the diabolo up and add the 4th cross. i did it with normal length sring. (my nose to thefloor)

IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

I just gave the puma cradle ago but its impossible with the length of string i have on at the moment. I fit it out of the cross. I'll have to remember to give it a try when i get some new string.

Anyway what was the new suicide?

Phyrefly : i still love that front to back sun and do it way to often, but i just got the hang doing it behind the back which i suppose would be a back to front sun smile

fire leads to creation

117 posts
Location: Norwich, UK

Ummmm... How to describe it???

Catch the Diabolo by bringing the string down from above the diabolo, i do it on my right hand side, then pull down to get the string under the diabolo (at this point if you stopped your arms would be crossed) and keep the diabolo momentum going down and around. let go of your right hand stickand it should wrap all the way around the diabolo. Note: the string will be crossed when you finish so you will need to use you left hand to keep it spinning. flick up the diabolo and catch it normally to get back to normal. i'll see if i can sort you out a video (as well as dancers leap)

IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

yeah i still havnt got the hang of that move.

I just gave your suicide ago and it kinda like something i do sometimes.
I do the back wrap on the left then bring the diabolo over to the right hand side for a quick stopover (or trapeze if you prefer) then back to the left with the cross stringed suicide straight into a left-hand stopover with a fritz release. This is basically the same trick but with a different order to it and a few small add-ons.

I also have a smoother version were instead of doing a open stringed normal suicide I do a left stopover suicide still with the crossed string so I can do the fritz releases, its allot more controlled.

Can you visualise it? I can always do an mpeg.

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Phat JBRONZE Member
46 posts
Location: Chelmsford, Essex. UK

Good Thread.... I love Diabolo almost as much as Poi.
Keep spinning

When faced with the inevitable, you MUST face the inevitable.

"The All Nighter"
surf film with that girl from The Bangles.

The Phyreflyjourneyman
81 posts
Location: Merced, Ca, usa

wow- way beyond my comprehension..all of you guys-puma cradle?? never heard of it

fire is the light that shines in all of us. Be sure your light shines brightly wherever you go.

IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

Written by: 6h05t

Just wondering... has anybody done a 4 cross cradel? I know Cats, Tigers and Lions but has anybody done 4 crosses?
If anybody has done 4 what's it called?

6ho5t did it so he named it, Pumas Cradle.

fire leads to creation

117 posts
Location: Norwich, UK

Sorry ifrit the vids i made are too big for me to attatch to my email...

We'd never heard of it until i did it so it may have a different name but Puma will do for now. Its a four cross cradle.

I think can visulise your tricks but i'm not quite sure what you mean by a Fritz release?

What other tricks do you know and like? See if i can learn something new without making it up smile

IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

A fritz release is just what i call the release for an inverted stopover, were the stopover slips off the end of he stick.

Non-Https Image Link

How big was the video? i made one last night of my version of your suicide it came up to about 500k which will fit.

Have you tried foot window wipers or leg? I love'em

Non-Https Image Link

fire leads to creation

117 posts
Location: Norwich, UK

2mb. Ridiculous really. the Mp4 one i made was tiny in comparison something like 100kb.

117 posts
Location: Norwich, UK

Im working on it...

and i do around leg and feet (either one) bounces over them and working on bounces when doing around the arms aswell. not as much success though tongue

can you do around the body?

IfritBRONZE Member
The GF of HoP
492 posts
Location: Somerset, England

Around the arms is realy hard and i dont think it looks that great judging on the feed back of my mates the first time the saw it. I can do around the body and the odd trick aswell. can you do it? If i use a realy big string i can even do a monorail around the body, hurts my back though ubbcrying smile i may have mentioned that to ya before me thinks.

fire leads to creation

117 posts
Location: Norwich, UK

Wow. aol mite let me send the email. Only about 20 minute upload time aswell!!! For each vid!!!

Hope your on broadband... wink


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