lollipurple penguin- soon to be
478 posts
Location: playing with the pixies at the arsse end of the mi...

Hey Hey one and all

as the previous sheffield pip thread has disappeared into the archives somewhere, a new thread must be started and filled! biggrin

the next pip in shffield will be:

30th April 2005
3pm till last man standing
Endcliffe Vale Park (off hunters bar roundabout, ecclesale road)

come and play one and all!

if you have any questions or need directions/ somewhere to crash/ cake, them email myself or Solace. hug

Lolli ubbloco

My spelling wobbles. its very good spelling but it wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong place

lollipurple penguin- soon to be
478 posts
Location: playing with the pixies at the arsse end of the mi...


Hey y'all

I spoke to Solace today and poi in park is DEFINATLY on the 11th ie this sunday WOOHOO

See you crazy cats there biggrin

lolli x

My spelling wobbles. its very good spelling but it wobbles, and the letters get in the wrong place

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

*Dives on Lolli and hugs her!*

Hey kid!

*Looks around*

Oh... sorry... carry on.


Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

Harry_PotterToadStool Circus Acts
181 posts
Location: Derbyshire

Woooo who my first meet and i can make it. So exciting.

*Jumps around with glee*

"Laughing like a drain, dancing like a dervish" - just practising my lines for Scrooge.

weee how exciting.

Yo-yoist, Staffer and 3 Ball and Club Juggling
'Its people like us, who make them feel talentless.'

Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
6,140 posts
Location: Over There, United Kingdom

Damn You guys!

you ALWAYS seem to put PiP (well ok - the last 2 times) on the same day as Nott's

And Nott's Fundango is holding 5 ball workshops - and i can't resist finding out tips!

ubbcrying boo...

Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

mechBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
6,207 posts
Location: "In your ear", United Kingdom

im ggoing to notts to guys, sorry,

im going to learn stuff to frown

Step (el-nombrie)

Harry_PotterToadStool Circus Acts
181 posts
Location: Derbyshire

Whos going to Poi in the Park?
Mozza and I shall be there.

Yo-yoist, Staffer and 3 Ball and Club Juggling
'Its people like us, who make them feel talentless.'

mechBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
6,207 posts
Location: "In your ear", United Kingdom

harry can you get the moday and tues off work?

cos maybe, just maybe you should come to teapots to wink

Step (el-nombrie)

Harry_PotterToadStool Circus Acts
181 posts
Location: Derbyshire

erm now that'll be a difficult one. I'll see what i can do but im pretty sure ill only be able to come up Sunday.

Yo-yoist, Staffer and 3 Ball and Club Juggling
'Its people like us, who make them feel talentless.'

mechBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
6,207 posts
Location: "In your ear", United Kingdom

what time would you be leaving on sunday?

Step (el-nombrie)

Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
6,140 posts
Location: Over There, United Kingdom

Hey hey,

Was a nice evening, even if it was only me tim, Si & some other tea-poter.

Harry Potter - what happened? you were a no show!

Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

Harry_PotterToadStool Circus Acts
181 posts
Location: Derbyshire

Yeh sorry bout that, i really am. Here comes my reason/ excuse - I was only able to come in the day, finding this out the night before at soemone elses house without the net. And found that id only actually be able to spin from 3-4 with you as you said it started at 3ish. So i apologise and mum has promised that she'll be taking me down and letting me spin with you guys and she'll go to meadowhall.


Yo-yoist, Staffer and 3 Ball and Club Juggling
'Its people like us, who make them feel talentless.'

Tom_ShillSILVER Member
213 posts
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom

Written by: Pink...?

it was only me tim, Si & some other tea-poter.

It was me! Some other teapotter indeed! Twas cool tho. Span my first fire, absolutely amazing, cheers Tim biggrin

Will those capable of telekinesis please raise my hand?

Harry_PotterToadStool Circus Acts
181 posts
Location: Derbyshire

Whens the Next one!!!!?????

Yo-yoist, Staffer and 3 Ball and Club Juggling
'Its people like us, who make them feel talentless.'

Tom_ShillSILVER Member
213 posts
Location: Brighton, United Kingdom

Apparently it'll be sometime in Feb due to exams and stuff. You've been on the Teapots forum haven't you? There's a Pip news thread on there.

Will those capable of telekinesis please raise my hand?

si_sheffSILVER Member
128 posts
Location: United Kingdom

hello to all, apologies its taken a while to put a post up here about february pip 2006.. we do now have a confirmed date of this saturday, thats the 25th..

ill be down there from about half 3/4ish until last man, and hopefully we should get a fairly good turnout this time :-)

hope to see you all on saturday..


si_sheffSILVER Member
128 posts
Location: United Kingdom



right, thought we should start preparing for this one early in the hopes a few more people might come down to play.. so basically how does the 18th sounds to people? tis the 3rd saturday of the month as per usual and if the weather permits i suggest we have some kind of easter teapots picnic with people bringing down loads of food and we can all have a giant feast together.. :-)

sound cunning? let me or matt know your thoughts on the matter and lets all try and get down to make this a good turnout now that the weather is finally looking better..! :-)


peace n pineapples


si_sheffSILVER Member
128 posts
Location: United Kingdom



hey guys, just an announcement to let all you hoppers know that the april PIP is going to be taking place on SATURDAY APRIL 29TH in Endcliffe Park as per usual. i'll be down there to kick things off from about 3:30pm and due to the exceedingly nice weather we should be in for a good 4 or 5 hours of sunny, warm daylight spinning followed on by some firey goodness afterwards..!

last month's PIP saw a good 25-30 people come down in weather that wasn't a patch on what we're experiencing now so i reckon this month we can do even better and properly get PIP back to its glorious busy spring and summer days of old..

the whole picnic idea from last time seemed to go down pretty well, so i'll ask if everyone who is planning to come down this month could bring along a lil something to share for the picnic and we can pool all our resources again and have an exotic feast for all to enjoy. :-)

thanks to step (mech) we also have plenty of paraffin for once so there will be plenty of fire for all to have fun with and hopeuflly the day will go on until well into the darkness hours. if people have no plans for post-PIP all our welcome back to ours for tea, drinking and perhaps even more spinning in our park too..

hope to see everyone down in the park on the 29th..

peace n pineapples


si_sheffSILVER Member
128 posts
Location: United Kingdom

just a quick but very important update for pip this month..

due ot the presence in the park of the mosocw state circus over this weekend, there will be a slight change in how pip will work this time. first of all, so as not to get in the way of the crowds for the afternoon show, pip will be starting at around 5pm on aturday, just after the circus show has started in the big top.

secondly, instead of us all spinning in the usual place by the 'frog on the log', we will instead all be spinning on the main part of the park, out in the middle, so as not to be right next to the tankers that accompany the circus, and also so that people can see us when they arrive without the big top being in the way..

the state circus's first show on saturday is at 2pm and we have flyers for half price entry so quite a few of us will be going down early to catch the show before pip starts. if anyone else is interested in doing likewise please let me know in advance and i will ensure we have enough flyers to go round so we can all enjoy the circusy goodness! Smile

so just a quick recap, pip will be starting at 5pm, after the first circus performance of the day, and we'll be spinning in the main gree, to the left of the big top and the vans..

see you all there saturday

peace n pineapples


si_sheffSILVER Member
128 posts
Location: United Kingdom

yes it has to be said, that was one of, if not THE best poi in the parks ever seen by all who attended..! how often do you get the opportunity to watch a circus show, then have one of the acrobats balancing on one hand on your head afterwards...?! (god my neck was sore this morning tho hehe)

i'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who came down and made the day so special, especially all you new guys who came down for the first time, i hope you all enjoyed it as much as i did!

if anyone happens to have any pics from the day, especially you sarah, could you send them in to me via email or if i brought some disks into teapots on monday, i think we may have to work on putting some of them up on the site when returns soon..

well this crazy fool is gonna return to his aching and hungover (again) hole of dissertation work; i hope everyone else is feeling worn yet worth it! i reccomend long baths with some radox..

peace n pineapples


si_sheffSILVER Member
128 posts
Location: United Kingdom

SHEFFIELD MAY PIP is nearly here...

come on down to endcliffe park this saturday (20th may) from 3:30pm for a bouncy day of sun spinning and salmon...

well i cant promise the salmon, but after last month's hugely successful pip i can priomise an excellent day out for all with lots of spinning, fire, wushhu frisbee, acrobatics and perhaps even a bbq if the weather stays good enough..

so come on down, bring yourselves, your spinnables, your picnicy snacks and anything else you may need to have fun in the sun on saturday and i'll see you down in the park! :-)

peace n pineapples


si_sheffSILVER Member
128 posts
Location: United Kingdom


apologies to all that this message has gone up so late, organising this month has been a little delayed due to it being that time of year.. just thouht id put a quick post up to let people know that we will be down in the park for june pip tomorrow from 3:30 onwards.. there's also an after-party house party going on in sheffield so if anyone wants to come to that with us after pip they're more than welcome.

anyone who's gonna be able to come down tomorrow, we'll be having a picnic as usual and if the weather stays nice possibly a few disposable bbqs down there too so feel free to bring any food that might be appropriate if you wanna get in on the bbq. :-)

hope to see you in the park.


si_sheffSILVER Member
128 posts
Location: United Kingdom

hey everyone, as some of you may well already know, a few years past my time up here in sheffield a wonderful chap called p.k got together with some of his friends and created the local event which we all know and love; poi in the park. each year since we have been getting together every month to spin fire, teach new people, learn new tricks ourselves and generally have as much fun in the park with cool people as can be had, and each month id like to think we all come away from pitp enriched, sometimes slightly singed, but always having had a good time.

every year around the september/october time however we also have a big birthday celebration to mark another successful year of pitp, and this year we've got something very special lined up for you all.. :-)

sadly mr pk is no longer in sheffield to host the event, although he and his family are always here with us in spirit, but it has been left to matt and i to carry on his legacy and ensure every time we meet, our community is as friendly, welcomgin, fun and helpful as possible :-)

this year, to celebrate the growth of pitp and the new pitps that have sprung up in recent years all over the country we've decided to go one bigger and better with our birthday celebration; the thought is, why not get ALL the national poi in the park meets together for one HUGE FUN DAY OUT up in sheffield?!


there'll be everything you normally expect from a pitp, good people, loads of food, plenty of colourful spinning equipment and their owners, along with such amusing games and 'wushu frisbee' and 'tree bounce challenge' and many more. this year though we're also going to be incorporating much much more, with some capoeira and breakdance teaching, along with contortionism and acrobatics on display for all to marvel at and learn and many more fun activities

we've also decided that this year we are gonna go one further and put on a bit of a show as well, so we're looking for people who are confident and happy with their fire spinning to maybe do a little routine for us. doesnt have to be amazing, and certainly there's no need for it to just be about the professional performers amongst us, more the everyday spinners just showing us the moves they love :-) to get the ball rolling i've promised i'll do a bit of a show as organiser so believe me after that no-one will look foolish and there will be no need for shyness..

i invite anyone who is reading this to please come up to sheffield for the day and spend some time spinning and chatting with us crazy sheffieldians on october 21st. the event will be going on all throught the day and evenign and into the night, with accomodation provided by myself, a few other generous house-loads of people and also we will be renting out the hall we use for the flying teapots overnight which should be able to comfortably sleep a good 80+ people so rest assured if you come up for the day a bed will be there for you and probably a nice cuppa tea in the morning too :-)

so i can gauge numbers and book the hall and possibly more accomodation if needed please could ANYONE INTERESTED get in CONTACT with ME either via MYSPACE, THE FLYING TEAPOTS ONLINE FORUM, HOMEOFPOI.COM, by PHONE if you know my number, or by EMAIL

those of you who are ORGANISERS of similar poi meets across the country, please also can you contact me on behalf of your group/community so we can discuss proceedings as there are a few more suprises planned that i want only a few people to be in on until the day....

on behalf of all those before me and those i represent now, i hope to see you all in the park in october :-)

peace n pineapples

si scotting AKA kashira (flying teapots) AKA si_sheff (homefopoi)

si_sheffSILVER Member
128 posts
Location: United Kingdom

hey hey guys, i know were having a huge pitp in october but that doesnt mean were not having one this month as well..!

THIS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd, poi in the park is on with new and returning student forces at the usual location. 4pm by the frog on the log.

be there or be a square shaped penguin, forced to live life in a small box in japan.. :-P so who's coming then??

peace n pineapples


si_sheffSILVER Member
128 posts
Location: United Kingdom

hey guys, the big day is nearly upon us; sheffield birthday poi in the park is on this saturday, october 12th, in endcliffe park, just off the eccleshall road/hunters bar roundabout from 3:30pm.

we've got a day of fun lined up with spinning, games, capoeira, break dancing and contortionism, an evening of music and fire with performances by some of our special guests, and then a night of dancing at urban gorilla. for those who want a more sedate night we have also booked the hall we use for flying teapots so there will be several rooms available for people to spin or sleep..

on sunday for those who want, we will be continuing on at weston park after turning out of the hall in the morning and all are welcome to stay in sheffield during the day.

for those of who who wish to perform on the renegade 'stage' this year can you please just confirm with me and let me know if you will need music, and if so in which format.. also just give me an idea what you will be doing as we may well have a bit of a compare to announce when we get started with the shows.

note to all performers: we do note have a physical stage! you will be performing in an area of the park sectioned off by tealights so be aware the grass may be slippery. we will have a small sound system cunningly located in the boot of a car so can provide music, but it will probably be via cd or ipod type medium..

remember, poi in the park is a free event that can be attended by all, the only money we will ask for is if you wish to spend the night at the hall, in which case there will be a small charge of about £3 to cover the cost of booking.

during the day please feel free to ask anyone for help or instructions, there will be people of all levels present, from those who have never spun or juggled etc.., to those who make their livings from doing such things. to the newer spinners among you, dont feel shy or embarassed around those better than you, just look for inspiration! remember they will have merely had more practise and im sure everyone present will be happy to teach you something should you ask :-)

if anyone requires any further information before the day, please DO NOT use my hotmail account, for some reason i cant access it at the mo. instead please send any emails to, or reply directly on HOP PM or to any of these forum posts.

poi in the park aims to be about a bunch of happy people enjoying a good day's spinning ,meeting new friends and making merry, the more colourful the better! :-) come along, have fun and ill see you all in the park on saturday..

peace n pineapples



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