PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

...and I didn't. The other night my friend and I decided to check out the show Ripley's Believe It Or Not. When I was younger the show rocked, showing all those really freaky anomalies in the world. The new one is just on the "NOT" side of life. So I watch this show for some odd reason and towards the end they showed a sword swallower and a fire eater husband and wife. problem. The show built them up as being the absolutes of the disciplines and being more death defying than either one really is. In fact she did three entry level fire tricks, not even impressively and he gagged when he swallowed the sword. Also, keeping in mind that this family lives about 6 hours from me, within the fire circuit here that I know for fire eating/swalling (mostly Ren Faire people) there are descriptive terms that are NEVER used because they earmark you as an ametuer...and she used them all...which really irritated me. The show announcer also said how performing with fire is limiting and there is only so much you can do within using that element....which means he has never seen a poi-er, staff-er or a real fire eater. I found the show to be soooooo offensive! madThe cool thing was that they did a x-ray of him while swallowing a sword so you could see it wasn't a trick...which was cool. smileSo, now that I am done venting....I have two final things to say...don't believe all of what you see on television and....has anyone entertained or know of people who swallow flaming swords? Might be very interesting!Sorry bout the bitch fest but thanks anyways wink ------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

92 posts
Location: tell me when you find me

Hey Pele,It is pretty sad, eh. But true or not, the bullshit they were spinning made for good television to people who know nothing about it I guess. And since when has the media let the truth get in the way of a good story? Whenever I do fire eating/swallowing I am amazed at the reactions of people, I'm sure you know what I mean, its ludicrous how simple it is yet people get soooo...dramatic about it if they dont know how its done. Which is cool cos its easy to entertain them! I wonder if those two on Ripleys had any idea of how retarded they are now percieved as, or if they give a shit. If I had a voice over done like that I would be serously offended and feel like an utter dick. Maybe they did it all in the name of tv, and will put up with the humiliation to get their faces on tv. Maybe they thought it was a hilarious piss-take on everything. Nyah. I am always pretty dubious about how the press represents us through their eyes, especially if its local. As a girl eating fire, it tends to do their heads in. Hey! I meant you give a vasectomy to the person standing infront of you, hhaaaaaahhhaaargh. ps like the Legend quote.

...Firebreathing? Magic is only part of it my friend, diet does the rest!

11 posts
Location: Miami, FL , U.S.A.

Hey Pele. You should write to them like your post then send a video of yourself so they can see better fire stuff. Or just send them the Home of Poi web address. Haha

52 posts
Location: ambleside

fire sword swallowing i know not but have heard rumors of using those long flourescent tube things that people use for lights is big rooms.meant to be cool cause the person all glows and doesnt need to be "memoiors of a sword swallower"


53 posts
Location: Denver, Co.

I thought the same, although I know we as fire people are going to be more judgemental and aren't as easily impressed, I would think a show like that would want some of the best performers out there. And the whole being one with the flame hug the trees junk she spouted was annoying. It does relate to something I've been wondering lately, at what point does the audience quit appreciating the technical difficulties of your moves. I know I don't normally risk as difficult of moves when performing as I do when I'm rehearsing with other fire performers because I know the other performers will appreciate it more and not laugh as hard if I catch on fire.

How is it ever possible to feel safe and secure in a world in which everyone dies?

Jeff Duncanmember
140 posts
Location: sidney, bc, canada

HA HA HA!!!! you light your self on fire!!!oh wait, i do that as wellone thing that gets me mad is the oppisite of what the main idea of this post is about. I'll be doing some poi at raves (glowsticks) when somebody says its easy to do that. Obviously i let them try just to make them look like an idiot because i know they wont be able to do anything other then tangle the chains. After this happens a few times they just give the poi back to me and walk away without saying anything. Can anyone here say rude??However i love to teach all the people who want to try and have a positive attitudeoh well thats just my $.02

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

You know Crispyx, I have to say that most of the time I don't think the audience appreciates the difficulty, or even believe it's difficult. I think they appreciate the spectacle, hope you will catch yourself on fire and wonder why you don't more than anything. At least that's my experience from Ren faires. I truly think most look at it and go "ohhhhh the pretty flames" right after saying "I could do that but I ain't stupid enuff to play with fire..duh-huh". My answer is put up or shut up....but I can't say that till after I get the pay check. Don't wanna piss off the management by setting the paying customers on fire!!!! grin------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

Jeff Duncanmember
140 posts
Location: sidney, bc, canada

ha ha ha your soooo right pelepeople dont respect that its hard and takes tons of practice.they just go "ooohhhh fire wow...."its very annoying when they say i can do that it looks very easy (this gets me the maddest)so unless you can do some kind of poi or fire dancing.... SHUT UP!!!the only people who dont say stuff like this are the people who have tried it or can do it.oh well just my $.02 again

78 posts
Location: london, england

ha ha ha. this is pretty funny. you guys n girls actually have me holding my sides. who can't identify with jeff? anyone? grinseriously though, if people come up to you and go oh thats piss-easy etc i could do that and play the piano simultaneously, etc its a compliment to your skill. everything thats done properly looks easy. take rock-climbing - loads of people are too afraid to even try it - "i'm also scared of heights," i say, "but give it a go." if they do, they tend to appreciate that while being fun it isn't as easy as it looks. fire twirling and juggling imho are the same as playing the piano (not that i could) and rockclimbing: open ended hobbies. the more you put in the more you get out, the easier it looks to the layman. so laugh it off or just try and make it entertaining for both parties, audience and performers...thasabout it. and no, i'm not secretly jerry moffat or ben moon, but s#!t they make it look so easy.ciaoo-ops thanks for the laugh.

397 posts
Location: Brunswick, Ohio

Pele I've met the person who truely wants to be the first person to swollow flaming swords then pull them out still lit. However this is the same guy who blows 3 story breaths with white gas. So I doubt you'll ever really get the chance to met him. He's a really nice guy too. He goes by the name of Leather and lives somewhere here in ohio wish I would have gotten his name and number when I talked to him. I'm sure I'll get another chance to run in with him somewhere down the line.------------------We are all in the cosmic movie. That means the day you die you watch your whole life repeating for eternity. So you'd better have some good things happen in there and have a fitting climax. --Jim MorrisonMost Memerable crowd saying "Hey look that dude's gonna set himself on fire again!"

We are all in the cosmic movie. That means the day you die you watch your whole life repeating for eternity. So you'd better have some good things happen in there and have a fitting climax. --Jim MorrisonIt's going to come from a direction you didn't predict at a moment of chaos which you didn't see coming. -- NYC

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

This is a good thread, and yes it is annoying when people don't notice how hard that last trick was...however, do we truly appreciate others in the same way?The comment on rock climbers etc is quite easy to see, but would we think the same about a card house builder? Or a man who can imitate a horse neighing? Or a five year old kid who can make farting noise with his armpit?All of these people have different skills and thoughts, but it's their perception of what others undertand that makes or breaks them.The five year old thinks everyone will be impressed because he doesn't understand that we can all do it if we chose to. The others do things that may seem boring or useless to us and we just don't care, let alone appreciate how hard it is.If we expect the average person to be impressed with the technical things that we do then we are setting ourselves up for disappointment.It's the same as buying a lottery ticket and getting upset when you don't win.Everything in life is measured by your expectations, and those around you. It's easy to call people dumb and stupid because they don't understand what we do, but chances are, they just don't care. Or they don't have enough knowldge(yet) to care either.Usually, they are waiting for you to finish so they can show you THEIR trick with their thumb, rather than being rivetted to your show and examining everything in detail.It's just part of human nature, I say we play on it, by making easy things seem hard and letting them pay us heaps of money...------------------Charles (INFERNO)newdolbel@hotmail.com

HoP Posting Guidelines
* Is it the Truth?
* Is it Fair to all concerned?
* Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
* Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

Pele, You often stress about how fire is portrayed by knuckleheads. I often stress about knuckleheads at work too. In fact, right now I'm totally stressed about something completely insignificant. Tragic flaw I guess...Moral of the story:Knuckleheads are gonna be knuckleheads. Ain't nothin' we can do about em.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

337 posts
Location: London UK

I always bring a practice pair along so other people can try smile diminishes the "that's easy I could do it I just dont want to" quite a bit!although, yeah, it is a really annoying that that does happen all the time.and whats also annoying is when you do it and say "how long have you spent practising that you sad git?" or like "so what do you just spin all day? how pathetic"hehe and when i see people doing stuff on tv i can think "i can do that!" which is really nice. and it makes you realise how crap most performers are. It's mostly in the showpersonship rather than the technical performance though, something which is damn hard to master. and even harder to practice! heh.

x X x ß £ Å Ĉ К ß î я Ð x X x

18 posts
Location: The Beginning

I see them as innocent children who dont know any better. People who, although may be amatures, are trying, in this harsh world of egotism that surrounds us all. So many people get stuck on their path, with no guide. Who can blame them? Even in malice, so many people are innocent and children. It is sad to realize that some may never even begin a path, that there are so few to help others become 'aware'.

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Wow, talk about a blast from the past!Anyway,I have since met some interesting sword swallowers, tried it myself (not on fire), seen much in the media about fire that irritates me greatly and have let it roll off my shoulders. I am glad that someone is going through the archives though as I know there is much wisdom to be found. I also like to go back through and look at my own personal growth it is very interesting.My beef with the whole thing was that it was televised. Idiocy is one thing, idiocy for the sake of publicity irks me still.Oh well. I still love what I do and in my mind that is all that matters. smile ------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

32 posts
Location: SF CA USA

So there are people around who remember the cool Ripley's, with that creepy man and those great subjects, before Dean Cain and all the people trying to become famous doing things that aren't all they're cracked up to be? I miss the old show. I'm not surprised people like those fire eaters ended up on the new one.

SupaflyBRONZE Member
173 posts
Location: Charlotte, NC, USA

Anyone remember a show called "That's Incredible"? Don't know if it preceeded Ripley's or was a spin-off from it. But I used to love that show.

Fear the evil monkey!

235 posts
Location: Calgary alberta Canada

Ripleys is funny, all it is really is a bunch of propaganda to make people go "wow" sure they beef it up quite bit and make it look more spectacular that it really is. i remebr one episode where girl was going to pull a pick up truck full of football players to raise money for a charity... the thing it is that as soon as to get it rolling it becomes insanely easier.. (think of pushing a dead car downt he road) to touch on the fire bit i look at it like.. gee look how those people make us look so much better my next reaction is hell we sould be on that show... ------------------A Faeries Heart Beats Fierce and Free!!!!!

Teach tolerance, not competition.
Send food, not bombs.

SupermanBRONZE Member
829 posts
Location: Houston, Texas, USA

the show has its moments. I think you should write them and present a challenge, take it to Guniess prime time and try to break somesort of record.or you could just drive 6 hours and kick their asshee hee either way i have your back baby!!super'

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.

- Mark Twain

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

AHAHAHAHAThat's Incredible with John Davidson!It came after the original Ripley's(I was weened on these side-show-freak things!!!) grinI was really pissed at that episode anyway. They covered snake dancing and such (another hobby of mine) and went into how pythons and boa's are so deadly and dastardly and these amazing beasts...propaganda hype. I am always angered by those who promote fear of something that should be respected. (I have raised boa's and now have a python). I think that particular episode just wore on me too much! But alas, it is over...thank goodness!------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

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