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Forums > Social Discussion > History of FireManipulating... Is it old art? I need a facts...

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BekarPLATINUM Member
Best fire theatre of BY, PL and UA in 2007, Bychyna competition
54 posts
Location: Minsk, Belarus

Hello All !!!

Sorry for my english...

I'm interesting in Historical Reconstruction ubbloco.
And now it's very interesting to me...

Is the fire-juggling the old art?

Was the some kind of fire-juggling in Mid-Ages?

Where can I find an information about it? (exept "Google", "Yahoo", "Inbox" and others searchmachines...)

Please, help me. ubbangel

Faithfully yours,


Minsk, Belarus.

Best Regards, Aliaksej <span style="font-weight: bold">"Bekar"</span> Burnosenka,<br />Fire and Medieval Theatre <span style="font-weight: bold"> "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre"</span> <br /> <br />e-mail: bekar@tut.by<br />phone: +375 29 5076263<br />Minsk, Belarus

9,232 posts
Location: NYC, NY, USA

I'm pretty sure fire was invented by DuPont. wink

On a serious note, I think that fire juggling goes back about as far as fire. Not sure you'd get much history on it's origins. I'd pick ONE, well defined juggling tool and research the history of that. For example indian clubs or poi.

Well, shall we go?
Yes, let's go.
[They do not move.]

TinklePantsGOLD Member
Clique Infiltrator, Cunning Linguist and Master Debator
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Location: Edinburgh burgh burrrrrr, United Kingdom

there's some poi background information in the article section
scroll down to the poi history and culture section in articles

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PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Okay...wow....I need some kind of form for this...it is the third time I have answered this in two days.

First of all, please use the search function for History of Fire Spinning. There have been numerous threads on this in the past.

Next, NYC is quite right in advising you to choose one tool or art to persue. The history of all of them is too varied.

As for fire juggling in the dark ages, that is a myth. Realistically concider what would need to happen for it. There would have to be fuels and fire readily available to bust them out. Troubedors, Fakirs and other such travelling entertainers did not have the means to support such entertainments. It was completely impractical for something that was play.

However, if you look at Samoan Fire Knives (very basically, imbalanced staves), Meteor Bowls (the weapon which is now known as a circus art), or Fire eating/breathing you will find more history on.

There is a native tribe, I believe in Africa, which also grabs big sticks from the fire and wings them around, even doing a basic weave, for ceremonial purposes. I've seen it on video. When I remember who and where, I'll post it up, but again, there is not alot of documented history of it. But at least there is footage. *shrug*

I have books with this stuff in them, but am packed to move in a couple weeks...argh! Otherwise I might have some more resources for you.

Anyway...please do a search and see what else you come up with.

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

BekarPLATINUM Member
Best fire theatre of BY, PL and UA in 2007, Bychyna competition
54 posts
Location: Minsk, Belarus

Ok! I'm searching now.

Thanks You a LOT! 8)

That information was very useful for me.

Faithfully Yours,
Minsk, Belarus.

Best Regards, Aliaksej <span style="font-weight: bold">"Bekar"</span> Burnosenka,<br />Fire and Medieval Theatre <span style="font-weight: bold"> "DiGrease's Buffoon Theatre"</span> <br /> <br />e-mail: bekar@tut.by<br />phone: +375 29 5076263<br />Minsk, Belarus

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