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PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Okay...so I have an issue.

This happened after 9/11 horribly, and it is starting to be seen here with Katrina.

People are coming forward and claiming to be survivors when they are not.
Some do it for their ten minutes of fame.
Some do it for insurance money.
Some just for attention and sympathy and hand-outs.


Did you all get this in the UK after the bombings there?

I was reading a report that these people are part of the reason insurance premiums go up, because they make fraudulent claims.
I also read that they are also showing up in food and clothing distribution lines and are taking it away from those who need and lost everything.
On Craigslist there is a listing of hundreds and hundreds of people offering a short term room in their homes to survivors, and there was a warning that the people coming to cash in on a free place to stay may not be from La...and to have a check done on them before welcoming them in.

The pity, sympathy, glory seekers...well....eh.

Survival of the fittest..blah, blah, blah....
It's a sad form of opportunism that really does hurt others.

(I swear I am thinking of finding a nice island or mountain and forgetting mankind exsists at this point)

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

1,463 posts
Location: Florida

dont worry mankind is rubbish... We all knew this... I think its absolutely appaling that people would step into the line when less able people are in need...

BUT at the end of the day our movements are part of the eternal rhythm of the cosmos and these people will see their glory days wind down as the unfporgiving sword of karma dishes them the retribution the universe requires to right all the wrongs...

They will have to deal with always knowing that they are frauds... If you ask me thats punishment enough... Oh self-loathing is not a good place to be.

i hope not many people are doing this.


Fine_Rabid_DogInternet Hate Machine
10,530 posts
Location: They seek him here, they seek him there...

I didn't hear of any brits fakinbg survival, but then again, I've stopped watching the news cos of the whole "If it bleeds, it leads" mentality... frown

But yeah, thats fairly disgusting...

The existance of flamethrowers says that someone, somewhere, at sometime said "I need to set that thing on fire, but it's too far away."

FacelessjokerBRONZE Member
249 posts
Location: Exeter, United Kingdom

I didnt hear of anything like that with the London thing but it might have happened.

I dont think the people who do that sort of thing feel bad at all. I dont think they hate themselves, i reckon they think its perfectly acceptable. I know people, though not doing anything as bad as this, would think they were doing nothing wrong when they i dunno, skipped work or "borrowed" money from the till. They just dont get it.

BansheeCatBRONZE Member
1,247 posts
Location: lost, Canada

I am wondering though, at why we all rush to provide money for the food and new houses of people that already had them, and yet ignore the plight of those that were living on the streets without food... some for years!!! Why not build them all houses while we are at it, and I for one certainly do not mind if my red cross fund goes to a sandwich for a street person alongside the sandwich for the middle class family that lost everything...

It just strikes me as wierd. I get that one person is seen as having worked for their home and belongings, and then oh, tragedy, lost it, so their home and needs have perceived value cause they strived to build it , lost it through no fault of their own, and now can not function without it. Acribing blame does seem to be a factor, and these people are seen as blameless, at least to a degree...

But who knows what it is that the street people lost that was crucial for them? Maybe they worked just as hard and got broken in some other way we did not hear about? Are they really to blame for their predicament? Does it matter? If they have been struggling without shelter, for years, maybe they actually deserve tohave homes built for them before we do the ones for the people that have been comfortable all their lives-- spread it around a little?

Or maybe we just feel more capable dealing with the problem of a disaster, because it has neatly defined parameters. The homeless and hungry issue is too scary to even approach, because it is so overwhelming and unclear.

As for the liars and attention getters, sad to see, wackos everywhere, no doubt. But regardless of whether a victim of this sort of disaster, or another more subtle and pervasive one( poverty) , I would certainly be in line for one of these sandwiches if I was hungry...

Hope this is not a hijack of your thread, I do see your point, just it seems something odd about who we select as worthy to help, and why we suddennly find the resources, when others go uncared for... The flip side is some people see themselves worthy as taking that help, even though they do not fit our definitions of need...

"God *was* my co-pilot, but then we crashed, and I had to eat him..."

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Andrealee I think that is a good point but I also think that the big difference is linear.

People look at someone homeless and usually think a long term commitment to their health and well being, or think that it is someone who gave up on helping themselves.

Emergency relief is normally seen as a one shot deal. You give once to people where losing everything was so far beyond their control and not due to addictions, poor choices, etc. that are commonly associated with homeless.

I am not saying that any of this is true, but I am saying that there are common perceptions that I think play into the differences between them.

It's good that this hasn't perked up noticably in the UK.
In the US insurance fraud went up horribly right after 9/11. It was not so good.

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

_Clare_BRONZE Member
Still wiggling
5,967 posts
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland (UK)

Andrea... I think that's a great point...

Why shouldn't we help them all?!

There was also an appeal on the news last night warning of an impending famine in Africa - it's due to strike by Christmas.

After all the G8 appeals, this is a chance for the governments to act on their pledges, before it is too late.

How much of a catalyst do we need before governments turn their spending away from big business and defence and towards the common man and environment?

Getting to the other side smile

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Did you know that scientists figured out a way to biologically create a hybrid strand of a grain (corn I think, but not entirely sure) that would thrive in the harsh African conditions?
Did you also know that Greenpeace officials talked the African leaders out of using it by saying that biologically engineered food would harm their children and their childrens children?

It was in popular science.

Throwing money at issues doesn't help (*cough*G8*cough*). Teaching them to stop shooting each other (since even the most basic tribes seem to have guns, and I kid you not, on the show "Going Tribal" one of the tribesman said "When we have electricity like the cities, and we have the guns, there will be more peace.")

Personally I think some of the gov't leaders in those countries are the biggest fakers and liars in that they beg for help from other countries and instead of using it for what they promise they will, they purchase new cars and more guns.

It's the same to me, using the suffering of others to elevate yourself.

I was thinking about this too. There are alot of ways to help the homeless day to day. I know tonnes of soup kitchens and shelters and programs to help them on their way. Most only use them sporadically and not truly as a boot strap.

People struck by natural disaster don't have the shelter on the corner to go to whenever they choose.

I think there are alot of differences which boil down to one is more desperate and beyond the realm of control. There is an "It could happen to anyone, including me." feeling surrounding disasters, whereas we *never* think that homelessness can happen to us...*never*.

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

JonnyRokBRONZE Member
Look! I'm Darth Bunny!
446 posts
Location: Sunny South Africa

Written by: Firepoise

There was also an appeal on the news last night warning of an impending famine in Africa - it's due to strike by Christmas.

There is? Do you know which area of Africa?

On the helping people point:
I also think that a main factor is trust. One of the reasons that people do not help those that need it is because they can not be sure that these people are really in need. It ties up with the whole people saying they were survivors when they actually werent, and taking advantage of others hospitality in trying times. Unfortunately it seems that people are always looking for freebies. Ultimately this means that we can never be sure if the people we are helping actually needs our help. Im not saying that we shouldnt help them, just that people find it difficult to help others because they cant trust them (or at least most of the good ones do anyway).

Put it this way, I would rather give a homeless person food than money, because i can be sure that he will eat the food. I hope you get what I mean...

Do what you want coz a pirate is free,
You are a pirate!
Yo ho fiddle dee dee, being a pirate is alright to be,
Do what you want coz a pirate is free,
You are a pirate!

linden rathenGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
6,942 posts
Location: London, UK

out of interest how many cases of this have there been? there is ALWAYS someone looking for a free lunch

i saw the some people were selling (or trying to sell) bottles of katrina rain water on ebay as well as someone selling his survival story.

as for the whole GM food thing i think its one of the sadest things to see somthing that if given funding and public support could solve a LOT of problems treated like some disease. while yes people may be a lil worried i dont like the way its destroyed by peopl protecting the environment etc... but thats offtopic

i think in the end people will always cheat or lie - just help who you can as much as you can. theres nothing more you can do

i mean about 10% of donations for charity (i dont know if thats the figure its just a guess) goes on advertising and salerys


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