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17 posts
Location: Lakeland, Florida, Polk

Okay i have the forward weave down pat, and most of the other moves up until i get to reverse weave..i just can't do it..maybe if there was a video with only one poi going around the other hand like in the first weave..that helped a lot. Anyways i'm spinning backwards, and i try to cross my body to start the reverse weave..well..lets just say my forehead does not like me lately (seeing as how i practice with dead glowsticks :-) ) oh any if anyone can offer a little help on the four and five beat weave i would appreciate it..i just can't figure out where my hand is supposed to go heehHugs and plur,Matt------------------All that AND a bag of chips?!? Now that's a deal!

All that AND a bag of chips?!? Now that's a deal!

1,015 posts
Location: Austin TX USA

First off: can you do the rvs weave motion with just one hand? It's a crossover plus a circle on the opposite side of your body. Get comfortable doing this with each hand individually.The mental trick that helped me learn the rvs weave is this: The forward weave feels like putting one hand over the other. The reverse weave feels like pulling one hand *under* the other.

Laugh while you can, monkey-boy

17 posts
Location: Lakeland, Florida, Polk

see my problem is when i try to cross my body while spinning in reverse..i just can't seem to find where the hand is supposed to go, i always end up whacking myself right in the forehead even when i'm only using one rope :-)Matt------------------All that AND a bag of chips?!? Now that's a deal!

All that AND a bag of chips?!? Now that's a deal!

160 posts

The "pulling" feel is really key... The way I got into it was by doing simple reverse crosses, but practicing switching my over and under'd do one reverse cross with right hand under... a beat to the sides... then one reverse cross with right hand over... when you can go from right hand under to right hand over without the beat in the middle, your hands will lead you naturally into the weave...

1,015 posts
Location: Austin TX USA

OK, PE, this is a pretty basic problem. I'm not sure what the problem is, but here are a few possibilities that come to mind:Is your wick heavy enough? I find it is harder to control very light wicks. I like to have at least 4 oz (100 g) at the end of each chain.How long are your chains? Are they too long? You should be able to hold your hand so that your noggin is out of bashing-range.Let's break down the reverse crossover motion, which seems to be giving you trouble.1. Do a plain reverse side-circle, with you palm up. 2. Extend your arm forward, so that it is roughly in line with the middle of your body. Keep doing the circles. 3. When the wick is at about 3:00 o'clock--at its farthest point from you--smoothly rotate your hand as if you suddenly forgot what the back of your hand looks like and you need to remind yourself.4. Hopefully this is bringing the wick past your noggin and into a good crossover. When the wick comes around to 3:00 o'clock again, flip your hand palm-up again, having had an adequate opportunity to examine the back of your hand.This move is all in the wrist--you don't need to move your arm, gyrate your body, anything. Try to do this with as much economy of motion as possible (I'd actually recommend that for all moves, in fact).Start doing this with just your dominant hand. Keep at it. Do it a lot. Get the motion well and truly embedded in your muscle-memory. Then do it with your other hand, a lot.Hope this helps.

Laugh while you can, monkey-boy

17 posts
Location: Lakeland, Florida, Polk

ah man thanks a lot that totally helped. i was doing something comepletly wrong for reverse crossovers, that's why it wasn't working. i am now reverse weaving, though it still isn't smooth, tommorrow i should get it all down. thanks a lot!matt------------------All that AND a bag of chips?!? Now that's a deal!

All that AND a bag of chips?!? Now that's a deal!

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