8 posts
Location: Leicester

Having just purchased my first set of poi yesterday I have come across a problem. This may just be me and my infexible self but I can't do behind the back moves. I can do 5 beat weaves and butterflies and the rest. I can pull off doing one beat behind by back but when i try to sustain any move behind my back i just keep hitting myself. Practise may make perfect but I was wondering if there were any tips you may have. (lets all point and laugh at the n00b frown) Ta very much.

(Also, blisters hurt don't they frown)

Lo from Leicester

RicheeBRONZE Member
HOP librarian
1,841 posts
Location: Prague, Czech. Republic

Practise may make it perfect, its truth, the pain you feel(its "delta muscle" mostly) you feel cause you move your body inna way you did not befor. If it hurts, stop it. You'll better to make some basic muscle heating befor practising, to start up your body.

Try it with one hand fist, in wheel pland and wall plane and both directions. After a while you find backward spinning far easier(especially wheel plane).

Than put both hands together and close to each other and try to spin in parallel behind your back the same way like with one hand.

Than slowly try to separate your hands and slowly split the timing to get Figure 8 behind the back.

Looking into mirror can help you to clear your planes too.




8 posts
Location: Leicester

I'm sorry but i dont understand the terminology 'wheel plane' and 'wall plane'. And when you say figure of 8 do you mean the 1 beat weave?

Shoulders hurt like hell, i thought it wouldnt be as hard on them, cos i do gymnastics but hey, no pain, no gain.

(The satisfaction you get from getting a move smooth smile)

Lo from Leicester

RicheeBRONZE Member
HOP librarian
1,841 posts
Location: Prague, Czech. Republic

Wheel plane - Its like one Poi on your right side on on your left.(like Weave)

Wall plane - Like one Poi in the front of you, one behind the back(like Butterfly)



DuncGOLD Member
playing the days away
7,263 posts
Location: The Middle lands, United Kingdom

Warm up first, practice spinning everywhere you want to with one instead of two, but remember to do it with both.

your muscles will catch up in time, give it a few weeks of daily practice and you'll notice improvement for sure smile

Let's relight this forum ubblove

8 posts
Location: Leicester

Ta very much for all your wisdom. Damn my weak body! frown The mind is so willing... My hands are torn to shreds ubbcrying

Till next time wave ubbcrying

Lo from Leicester

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