tennisBRONZE Member confused and abused 363 posts Location: bristol, United Kingdom
Posted: I watched a program on the tv last night about the long term effects of cannabis. it told the viewers about a mental disease caused by the paranoia built up after smoking weed to much for too long. This program was clearly biased towards putting people off smoking as can be expected on national television. It claimed that the paranoia that cannabis can give some people can turn into a permanent problem and lead to a mental state called cannabis psychosis (very much like schitzophrenia) The program said that this usually happened to people who had been smoking regularly since their early teens. it also said that some of the stuff we (myself included) are smoking now is up to 30 times stronger that the ganga from the 1960's. this got me a little worried but i found that there were many loopholes in this program and that they were saying that this psychosis could affect many many people. i just wanted to know other people's opinions on this and cannabis in general.Does this information worry you?
I did not set up this thread to promote caning it or tell you all to 'just say no' i am just curious to find out other people's opinions from outside my local area. where i live people smoke more weed than cigarettes it seems and most of them are too stoned to think rationally about whether they are harming their heads...but none of them are suffering from mental illnesses just slurred speech and lethargy!. is this really a threat to probably one of the most popular pastimes in england (and abroad)?
Posted: well i had about 10 pages of intellectual debat just wrotedown and i clicked the freaking wrong button while re-reading your posts and lost it all and really do not feel that i should waste my time with you on this debate. whether you think i know much about the subject or not is up to you. but i have studied the effects of pot since i was about 13 and read numerous studies on the subject for its medicinal and social uses. so im sorry that i did not get to post what i was writing but o well..and no im not just making this up i actually spen about an hour typing and now its time to go smoke another. so chereeo
Posted: XtremRver it seems from reading these posts that most people are considering your considerings somewhat funny. are you suffering from delusions of granduer?
Posted: HEHEHE no. i suffer from no delusions, and whether or not people are thinking tha i am or not without knowing me then they have no ground to judge! so i must say if you dont know me then please donot make judgements, i am totally pro-canabis in my country which is the most anti-drug...especially canabis in the world. if you dont agree then why dont you go check out some of the polls on which country is going into other countries because of what one ass-hole president says to do and rys to get other countries(ie.CANADA) to re-illegalise the herb. and unless you live where i do then i wonder if any of you have even heard of the damn commercials these asshole politicians are putting on tv..or example
one commercial tells us(americans) that when we buy marijuana that we are supporting the TALIBAN!! now of all things if my state, texas, is supporting any other country with its weed sales then we are supporting mexico!! because all weed that comes into my state either comes from local growers or crosses the borders at either mexico or is flown in from canada, or other us states such as california, washington, sometimes hawaii, and possibly oregon. now if anyone wants to argue with these points then unless you live in texas then you have no grounds to stand on, so these commercials are completely false and provided by the government. so i do not like the country that i come from because of the fact that they lie to us about shit that is not needed to be lied about. i dont mean to get off the subject but i am simply trying to prove this point,
ahem..unless you know me directly and know all of my personal views on canabis, and know how the HERB affects me as a person and my personality then i do not care to hear your opinions on how the HERB affects people. i understand that some people can not handle certain substances, almost like an allergic reaction, like when i take pennicillin,i break out, when certain people smoke this HERB they develop this so called canabis psychosis, which in my opinion the telivesion show that you watched was developed in america, the country that will lie there ass off to you to get a desired result that they want. so if you are willing to buy into the fact that this HERB is bad for you then you might as well not know anything about the subject, especially if you will let a govt. pursuade you to this basically im thru saying what i want to on this message board...obviously there is not a respect level here that there was when i joined..which sandens me because this is a place where i could hear others opinions without being bashed myself.
on another note...i will keep smokin the chronic..or canabis to you other people, and when i finally get off probation at the end of the year then i will be leaving this country to move to either canada or posibly somewhere in the carribean..and yes that is a reality for me seeing how i know people in both places that would allow me to stay with them until i could get settled..
fyi~i am not on probation for any drug related crimes at all, i got caught doing something with an old roomate and im the one who went down for it..another way that this country's govt is screwed
Posted: Xtreme i have a friend simliar prehaps to yourself (although i wouldn`t want to judge you sentsitive boy ) getting all excited about what the "authorties" say about this and that, i have known him for 5 or so years and would say he is pretty crazy although sometimes he is awhere of the fact and therefore snaps out of it.
what many people here have said is that they or friends (i now include myself in this group) have gone though the cannibis cycle and are pointing out that you are indeed in "step 3",(a happy step, difficult to leave) but there is collective agreement that you can leave this step when the time is right.
i do not wish to discuss the happy "step 3" world as it is a very in-tie-sing space but there others i wish now to explore. good luck in your full exploration of "step 3"
Posted: Just to add my mite, I used to work as a secretary in a mental health institution. I typed up reports for the doctors, and I can assure you that 8 out of 10 of the patients had used cannabis before they became ill.
Not only that, but there was a VERY strict no drugs policy... why?? because if the patients smoked cannabis they would relapse and become paranoid and sometimes violent again.
Some patients smoked cocaine, some were alcoholics, many of the Somalians took a (legal)drug called khat which would cause relapses if they managed to get hold of it illicitly, but by far the most common drug that I typed out in those reports was cannabis.
The danger of psychosis from smoking cannabis is real. Which isn't to say that you won't suffer, it means that you may suffer. It also means that the person sitting next to you may suffer from psychosis if they start smoking dope chronically. This is an issue that isn't black and white, as Mike says.
Dope campaigners have been denying for years that cannabis causes psychosis because they have been worried that it will hinder movements towards legalising cannabis.... maybe it will, maybe it won't. But it makes me angry that dope campaigners tried to stop people from making informed decisions about the risks they are taking by being in total denial of the very real nature of these risks.
Posted: I just wanted to say, for the record, that I am PRO legalisation of cannabis. My opinions are based on my own research and experience and not government hype. I also think that dope campaigners who will not admit that dope CAN BE ( not IS ALWAYS) bad for you are just as bad as govt. propaganda that spin negative shit about pot.
On the subject of the Taliban, this is a clear example of a government cutting and pasting whatever bits of information they have to suit themselves. It is true that a LOT of cannabis comes out of Afghanistan, and is processed there by tribal groups, some of whom may be affiliated with the Taliban, however this is almost ALL in the form of dope resin as it is easier to ship in large quantities. Most of this resin ends up in the UK and europe, since I gather that resin is nowhere near as popular or common is the US as it is here. Probably because of the difficulty of importing or growing good grass here - from personal experience I have found it difficult or impossible to grow decent quality weed in this cold climate. So I agree that it is highly unlikely that the Taliban has had a hand in supplying pot to Texas, or anywhere in the US.
quote: obviously there is not a respect level here that there was when i joined..which sandens me because this is a place where i could hear others opinions without being bashed myself.
XtremRavR.. I'm sorry you feel that you've been bashed here, I don't see that anyone has made a personal attack on you, merely stated their points and argued against yours. If I've made you feel that way then I apologise.. I think your views are quite interesting when you take the time to express them in a more respectful, less hostile way.
Posted: I dont really see how this discussion escalated or even degraded to such a pointy game. All of us should be accepting. If you start pointing fingers it get messy...
If people have a problem with each othr or something someone said then you might want to PM the person to clarify the issue instead of being confrontational...
I am NOT talking about anyone in specific. I dont really see why the tone of the last couple posts is nessecary.
We can all be friends even if we dont agree
How could you/we/all cohabit without tolerance?
Intellectualintesmectual... "the distance between sanity and genious is measured only by success" Infected Mushroom 'The missed symphony'
jastafariGOLD Member stranger 4 posts Location: Dunedin, New Zealand
Posted: May i start off by saying that i do smoke cannabis daily and have done for the past 4 years. I'm an adult and choose to do so to help me with depression, yes that's right cannabis has HELPED me come to terms with my depression. Now, i am a happy person and i no longer feel depressed because i've discovered how to stay in a positive state of mind. Some people may say that cannabis causes psychosis or schizophrenia. But in reality people who develop schizophrenia actually had a genetic disposition to the condition.
So, does cannabis cause schizophrenia? What cannabis does (in terms of THC's effect on the brain) is slow down the electrical synapses from neuron to neuron in your brain. When a synapse happens at any time in your brain a chemical is released. So because the synapse is slowed down the chemical is released slowly and builds up in the brain. To my unterstanding, a schizophrenic episode happens when the chemical builds up in your brain and prevents or modifys electrical impulses which in turns effect your thinking and brain activity.
People with a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia who smoke COPIOUS (and i do mean alot) amounts of cannabis can develop schizophrenic symptoms. My best friend at one point in my life was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder after several days of not eating or sleeping and smoking alot of cannabis. Obviously the lack of sleep and food had something to do with him mental break down but cannabis did as well. I might add that before he had the episode he was smoking cannabis each day with no problems, when he was stoned he was happy and when he wasn't he was still happy. After the episode and to this day he can still enjoy cannabis, obviously not as often but none-the-less cannabis may have brought out his bi-polar symptoms but afterward it helped him to come to terms with his condition.
There are many great documentaries on You Tube made by good people without bias. Check out 'The Union' and 'Run from the Cure', then tell me that cannabis should be illegal .
If you want to learn more about this then go check out NORML online (National Organisation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws)
Prohibition is the REAL crime. Don't believe me? --> GO check out NORML online and educate yourself about what your tax money is doing to people who chose to consume a plant matter.<br /><br />We have to talk about the problem before we can fix it!
Posted: Hey Jasta! I just have a few problems with the way you've worded your above paragraph as it's kinda confusing.
A synapse is the end of your neuron in your brain. It is a THING.. so to say "when a synapse happens" is like saying "when a book happens" which doesn't make sense.
Also, you mention electical synapses and then chemicals being released... electrical synapses are ones where the neurons are actually touching and the signal is passed by charged ions moving through channels from one neuron to the other. CHEMICAL synapses are where there is space between the neurons and one neuron releases neurotransmitters and the other neuron has receptors which pick up these neurotransmitters and then pass on the signal. THC binds to a cannabinoid receptor which would be on a CHEMICAL synapse, not an electrical one.
Also, a synapse is in your brain, and releases neurotransmitters into.. your brain. So when a synapse releases neurotransmitters, they don't build-up in your brain because they were and still are in your brain. Do you mean they build up in the synaptic juction?
Posted: Originally Posted By: jastaPeople with a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia who smoke COPIOUS (and i do mean alot) amounts of cannabis can develop schizophrenic symptoms.
which is a very vast generalization and might not be supported by medical studies.
people with genetic dispositons might develop a mental disorder already by consuming small doses and others withOUT that predisposition might develop them by consuming high doses.
As much as Cannabis can act as a medical remedy, it can potentially cause harm also, as any other substance.
I completely agree that the cannabis laws should be revised - but I'm not so sure anymore whether this "revision" should result in everybody smoking their brains away.
Unfortunately over the past century/ centuries we have very much lost the traditional (sacred) approach to its use and I feel that a decriminalization of Cannabis can only go hand-in-hand with a proper education.
to HoP btw
the best smiles are the ones you lead to
LiveWireSILVER Member stranger 11 posts Location: New Zealand
Posted: Hmm.... the problem with weed is the effects and risks vary from person to person and because of the bias surrounding the use of marijuana its very difficult to find conclusive scientific evidence that proves or disproves much of anything. And even when the facts are revealed its quite easy to bend to suit your stance on the issue.
But like most things too much will most probably have negative effects where-as safe, moderate use shouldnt pose a problem.
Mr MajestikSILVER Member coming to a country near you 4,696 posts Location: home of the tiney toothy bear, Australia
Posted: Originally Posted By: LiveWireBut like most things too much will most probably have negative effects where-as safe, moderate use shouldnt pose a problem.
'safe, moderate use shouldnt be a problem' is a load of rubbish. EVERY drug has side effects and 'cuz its fun lol' is never an appropriate reason to outweight the negative effects. that said, its a much more complicated issue involving ethics and the like which i really dont have the time for now, but may return if this thread continues its revival.
"but have you considered there is more to life than your eyelids?"
jointly owned by Fire_Spinning_Angel and Blu_Valley
LiveWireSILVER Member stranger 11 posts Location: New Zealand
Posted: Quite honestly there are so many things in todays society that are 'bad' and have negative side effects, from the food we eat, to the products and technology we use. I don't see why cannabis should be demonised just because it is enjoyed as a recreational drug.
It doesnt make people likely to harm others and isnt physically addicting. Like alcohol it is something that can be enjoyed in moderation and i think people have a right to make up their own minds.
Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member Rampant whirler. 2,418 posts Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!
Posted: THC is a very, very addictive drug.
The issues with its use tend to revolve around a lack of solid and unbiased information.
It is a highly addictive compound, regardless of whether or not one will become physically dependant on it.
I do not agree with the daily use of any drug, though I do drink tea almost daily... my distinction on that is that I'm not ingesting it for its caffiene, if it was caffiene I was after, I'd drink coffee...
johndhaiveGOLD Member Kebab Embalmer 316 posts Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma, Philippines
Posted: the issue in cannabis smoking is not the THC mate, it is the nicotine that is 5 times deadlier than from smoking cigarettes. so, if you have been smoking weed for 4 years, then multiply that by 5, = 20 years of smoking cigarettes...that's the damage done to your lungs in 4 year time of smoking weed...
but i can suggest a better way to get high without the damage done, best way is, make a lot of weed brownies and chow on them! you get the high without the nicotine... you can also try vaporizers... you'll get 97% of pure THC from your stash with less nicotine in it... compared to a joint where you'll only get 17% of THC plus the 5 times strong damaging nicotine...
just lik RPG games ain't it?
Tam tam tam cheketitamtam, ketumpantam, ketumpan kete kete kete, tam tam tam ketumpanketey!
Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member Rampant whirler. 2,418 posts Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!
Posted: Nicotine in cannibis? I've never heard of such a thing...
The only nicotine would come from the mix... and I don't use tobacco as mix... I use damiana.
Fire_MooseSILVER Member Elusive and Bearded 3,597 posts Location: Scottsdale, AZ, USA
Posted: i like how you all have a bunch of solid FACTS about pot and THC....
Owned by Mynci!
LiveWireSILVER Member stranger 11 posts Location: New Zealand
Posted: Originally Posted By: johndhaivethe issue in cannabis smoking is not the THC mate, it is the nicotine that is 5 times deadlier than from smoking cigarettes.
Dude what kinda bud do you smoke?! Im pretty sure theres no nicotine in pot. It does aparantly have aprx the same amount of carcinogens as cigarettes when smoked though.
Its not a drug i use often, because it doesnt agree with me mentally.
PyrolificBRONZE Member Returning to a unique state of Equilibrium 3,289 posts Location: Adelaide, South Australia
Posted: whoa - do a bit of reading on the topic guys. Sure the evidence is fraught with issues - however this report recently caught my eye. What do you guys make of this?
-- Help! My personality got stuck in this signature machine and I cant get it out!
Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member Rampant whirler. 2,418 posts Location: Geelong, Victoria, Australia!
Posted: Originally Posted By: ABCThey point out that "although using cannabis is associated with a greater risk of developing psychosis, there is also evidence of increased cannabis use following psychosis onset."
That and the fact that there was not an increase in frequency after cannibis use leads me to believe that this data is correlative and not causative.
I am however still rather cautious in ingesting any drug and restrict my use to only a few times a year.
I'm not denying that theres a potential for the hypothesis to be correct, but at the moment the data isn't quite supporting it. Perhaps its a confirmation bias that leads me to believe this, but I've not yet come across data that I knew was reasonably irrefutable and unbiased. I've seen enough anecdotal evidence however to know that its not an issue to be lightly shrugged off either.
Posted: I'm not supporting the idea that Cannabis necessarily causes schizophrenia... but it certainly can.
Taken from Wiki:
schizophrenia: "is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a mental disorder characterized by abnormalities in the perception or expression of reality."
psychosis: "literally means abnormal condition of the mind, and is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with reality""...
Maybe I'm wrong - and I have no official PHD in this subject - but "reality" might become an "abstract" if the consumption of ANY kind of drug exceeds an individual threshold or - at least - when the "on time" (including transitional phases) exceeds the "off time". Thus it potentially (and most likely) causes mental disorders or at least effects the mental ability to perceive and eventually to cope with "reality".
This alone does not tell anything about the individual functioning "properly" within society. One can consume drugs (and I mean ANY kind of drugs) overly recreational and still run something considered a "normal life" apart from the fact itself. That can be observed with alcoholics or nicotine addicts, as well as with smot pokers.
BUT this itself (consumption) does NOT say anything about the potential this individual might (not) be able to experience/ express...
the best smiles are the ones you lead to
meshunderlayBRONZE Member Juggler/Spinner 612 posts Location: Hicksville, New York, USA
Posted: Here's my two cents... because I'm sure you all want it.
I'm paranoid, but I'm not a pot head, I'm just jumpy having been jumped in the past is all.
Aside from that, I'd like to say that "mostly" anything, is fine, in moderation. Nothing is good in excess, not even oxygen. =) heh.
Anyhow, I say we do a little test, everyone, keep smoking weed, go ahead, BUT, quit caffeine. I think, that, out of everything screwed me up the most. I drank in moderation, I smoked in moderation, I decided though to quit everything of that nature now though, but caffeine was sneaky. I didn't even think about it until I missed my daily cup of coffee one morning and had horrible symptoms of withdrawel. I feel alot better without that as well.
Infact, this might be the dumbest thing I could think to say right now, but, if not for doing and then subsequently quitting drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and caffeine (a drug), I wouldn't feel so awesome (health-wise) today. hah.
I'm done being silly. Goodnight.
johndhaiveGOLD Member Kebab Embalmer 316 posts Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma, Philippines
Posted: Originally Posted By: LiveWireOriginally Posted By: johndhaivethe issue in cannabis smoking is not the THC mate, it is the nicotine that is 5 times deadlier than from smoking cigarettes.
Dude what kinda bud do you smoke?! Im pretty sure theres no nicotine in pot. It does aparantly have aprx the same amount of carcinogens as cigarettes when smoked though.
Its not a drug i use often, because it doesnt agree with me mentally.
dude, im sorry, i was drunk when i posted this. hahaha! what i meant was, yah, carcinogen is much more higher and concentrated than cigarettes. hehehe!
Tam tam tam cheketitamtam, ketumpantam, ketumpan kete kete kete, tam tam tam ketumpanketey!