the_mods_stole_my_nameSILVER Member
travelling without moving
1,286 posts
Location: Maghull, Liverpool, United Kingdom

ok, i'm no doctor, but i just sneezed so hard that i went dizzy for like 5 minutes, surely that's not normal?

Anybody know anything about sneezing? or indeed got any funny stories about it?

i feel another 'fart smells' type thread coming on here!

Heilige Scheiße, Batman kommt!

Reality is just a state of mind which occurs through a lack of lsd

XxX owned by devilsarmy XxX


48 posts
Location: Manchester

gotta love the smell of your own there kidda! (farts that is...)


the_mods_stole_my_nameSILVER Member
travelling without moving
1,286 posts
Location: Maghull, Liverpool, United Kingdom

wahey! a scouse noob!
where ya from laaaaaaa?

Heilige Scheiße, Batman kommt!

Reality is just a state of mind which occurs through a lack of lsd

XxX owned by devilsarmy XxX


burninghamSecond wave. DIVE!
132 posts

I bet tha poipirate geeza has an answer, he seems to for most things.


38 posts
Location: by here

i'm not sure feeling dizzy for 5 minutes after sneezing is normal. were you under the influence of any type of herb?


the_mods_stole_my_nameSILVER Member
travelling without moving
1,286 posts
Location: Maghull, Liverpool, United Kingdom

no, i'm at work. (is that a valid excuse?)

Heilige Scheiße, Batman kommt!

Reality is just a state of mind which occurs through a lack of lsd

XxX owned by devilsarmy XxX


48 posts
Location: Manchester

ahh not a scouser but just moved to the city, picking up the accent already tho la!


the_mods_stole_my_nameSILVER Member
travelling without moving
1,286 posts
Location: Maghull, Liverpool, United Kingdom

whereabouts u livin?

Heilige Scheiße, Batman kommt!

Reality is just a state of mind which occurs through a lack of lsd

XxX owned by devilsarmy XxX


48 posts
Location: Manchester

on the outskirts of merseyside really mate, southport. stayin with some relatives til i can get a job and a place in the city. i just say liverpool cos peeps keep assumin southport is in devon or somthin


the_mods_stole_my_nameSILVER Member
travelling without moving
1,286 posts
Location: Maghull, Liverpool, United Kingdom

haha! know what you mean! i live in Maghull, not far from southport at all. maybe we should meet up for a spin sometime? maybe on the beach or something?

Heilige Scheiße, Batman kommt!

Reality is just a state of mind which occurs through a lack of lsd

XxX owned by devilsarmy XxX


48 posts
Location: Manchester

sounds good. the beach is quality. but i'll probably need some guidance like as i only got my poi a few weeks ago. you free weekend after next? i've got nothing on then. Also are you going to cream fields? i'm thinking of puting load of hours practice and taking my poi....


13 posts

hehe....Woolybacks strike

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Ever had an orgasmic sneeze? Like one that felt so good it was like an orgasm?

Ever had MULTIPLE orgasmic sneezes? ubbrollsmile


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

the_mods_stole_my_nameSILVER Member
travelling without moving
1,286 posts
Location: Maghull, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Doc-don't they say a sneeze is like a small portion of an orgasm?

-sparkeythefiregod-i suggets we move this convo to the meet others section of the forum or chat via pm. it's my thread, but the mods dont like it when you go off topic.

Heilige Scheiße, Batman kommt!

Reality is just a state of mind which occurs through a lack of lsd

XxX owned by devilsarmy XxX


48 posts
Location: Manchester

sorry mate, i am scum.

nice chattin with ya tho


the_mods_stole_my_nameSILVER Member
travelling without moving
1,286 posts
Location: Maghull, Liverpool, United Kingdom

i feel like a pleb! how did i get sucked in by those noobs?! i was suspicious bout the amount of noobs in one day, but just thought it was to do with holidays etc.

ah well, i declare this thread closed!

*i always wanted to do that*

Heilige Scheiße, Batman kommt!

Reality is just a state of mind which occurs through a lack of lsd

XxX owned by devilsarmy XxX


awakenSILVER Member
The Evil Pixie (apparently)
716 posts
Location: Brisbane, Australia

Ha ha, I heard that one about a sneeze being 1/10th of an orgasm or something, but hmmm I can only WISH mine were that good.

OMG cleaning out your ears tho? Ok this may be a little off, but you know when you have that little bit of cotton on a stick in your ear ... and it makes your knee's go weak, and the arch of your feet tickle... ohhhh yeah .. thats where its at...

*definate hipthrust* (i like that idancelikeatwatme)

rock hopping, hop-scotching, pippy pocky stocking - Sureau - wink thanks Jen! biggrin

Ry: I can't hear you. I'm listening to The Spice Girls.

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