Forums > Meet Others > poi learning on the southern islands of Thailand?(Samui, Pan Gan)

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I ll be heading to Thailand for 6 months, from november to end of April 07, and I wonder if there could be any place or anybody there for me to learn poi or fire twirling?... I ll be stayin either on Samui, maybe Koh Pan Gan...

BansheeCatBRONZE Member
1,247 posts
Location: lost, Canada

Hi Amila, keep checking the website, there are unfounded rumours that Nick is organizing a poi-ish retreat sort of thing in Thailand this winter... At any rate, there are and will be a gazillion spinners around. When you get into Bangkok, ask at Phra Sumen park. Everyone gathers there at sunset. Just start talking tot he spinners and jugglers, they can tell you who is where... The islands are full of great spinners. met some of my best friends there!
PS I will be there January and February...

"God *was* my co-pilot, but then we crashed, and I had to eat him..."

8 posts

Thanks, I ll check the park you mention (what is it close to, never heard of it?) I did hear something about the north of Thailand (Chiang Mai or so), but will check on the site you said! You ve obviously been there already a few times?! :-) Might meet you there then?!
Cheers anyway, smile 2 you,


BansheeCatBRONZE Member
1,247 posts
Location: lost, Canada

Phra Sumen is at the Pra Atit Boat stop, in Banglampu area of Bangkok...

Pie is often a great location for spinners, think that is where Meenik is thinking of setting up his rumoured retreat... ?? ( It is north/ west)

I am most often found at Haad Tien and Haad Wai Nam beach, Ko Pan Gan, near the Sanctuary yoga center... usually lots of spinners there. I hate Samui, rarely if ever go there any more. Ko Tao, though, heaven...

have a fab trip, and yes, likely see ya there!
PS see the posting about Thai/World Rainbow Tribe gathering, should be interesting!

"God *was* my co-pilot, but then we crashed, and I had to eat him..."

8 posts

I know what you mean, about Samui. Very different than Koh Pan Gan (even though I found a nice peacefull vibe on Mae Nam). The reason why I consider gettin there to start is that I ll be there with my two kids, and I have no clue really where s the best place (easiest) for it to work ok! :-) But heard about the Sanctuary, meant to be real nice!
Thank you again for all the informations, very usefull to me, wish you a great trip there as well!

BansheeCatBRONZE Member
1,247 posts
Location: lost, Canada

Mae Nam, spenty a bit of time there, my now ex- fiance is from there... You can actually get a boat from there to Haad Tien and Wai Nam, convenient...

Kids are not difficult on the smaller islands now, things are getting pretty developed!


"God *was* my co-pilot, but then we crashed, and I had to eat him..."

StoutBRONZE Member
1,872 posts
Location: Canada

There's fire spinning school run out of the Cactus bar in Haad Rin, Koh Phangnan. At least there was a couple of years ago.

Koh Tao, now there's an island. They haven't been in business long enough to get jaded to tourists like on Phangnan.

8 posts

I saw one of my 1st fire show at Koh Pan Gan, at the Cactus, years ago.
Andrea, ye, I got told it s now easier for persons with kids on places like pan gan, though the difficult bit is school (a friend s friend has been livin there now for 2 years, and her kid is goin to a thai speakin school, she was tellin me it s a bit tough for him). But I did consider goin to pan gan, for its spirit. I reckon 6 months is short, but long enough to go around (as long as there is a school, somebody to show me how tu use my poi and a yoga place, that will be great!)
Did you like Mae Nam?

BansheeCatBRONZE Member
1,247 posts
Location: lost, Canada

Yes, I like Mae Nam, but it is still too samui for me. The little community is lovely though. If I have to stay in Samui, thats where I go, for sure.

My friends also say school is a big challenge in the south islands- if you want English speaking in particular. I would probably put them in the Thai school. Let them learn Thai, and do a bit of home schooling alongside if you can. Depends on the kids though, age inclination and personality...You will figure it out! I did my final year of high school in Thai, and while I did not learn a lot of the actual subject matter, I learned an awful lot, including the language. It was brilliant.

Yoga is everywhere on KPG, everywhere. It makes me laugh in fact. I keep finding the same yogis from here, over there, we all just circle around. *Except I rarely actually take a yoga class.Why is that? Lazy? Busy? Spinning? Doing my own thing? Hmmn.*

In fact, last day in KPG was hilarious, all the yogis coming down from their dawn meditation, contrasted with my friends and I on the beach,still playing and partying from the night before; drinking Bloody Mary's , covered in glitter, and reeking of Tiger Balm... lol

"God *was* my co-pilot, but then we crashed, and I had to eat him..."

8 posts

:-) Ye, last year when I went to Thailand, was full of motivation for a special yoga holiday... I did 1 hour in a center, and then mayb another one in my place! I also had my runnin shoes in my bag(and that s the kind of thing, I swear, that takes a lot of space in a bag when you pack up), didn t use them once! Too hot, too lazy, too busy doin nothin and enjoyin life!
I got told the same about the schools there. Now, my kids speak french, anyway they won t really understand what the matter is, I just think it s good for them to learn to adapt to something different, and to have friends as well! They travelled a bit with my mother already, 2 months in Goa, 2 in Thailand... Should be ok. (have to say Im a bit freaked out, surely more than them, as I never travelled with them, and well, I ll be "on my own" there, no clue what it ll be like!)

But I now need a bit of adventure, of unknown and enexpected things happening... Very afraid of it, but (or because of it!) I need it? (ye, something like it!)

You seem to know Thailand a lot... You went to school there, you said? Is one of your parents thai?

BansheeCatBRONZE Member
1,247 posts
Location: lost, Canada

Not Thai by blood, Thai by spirit! I was married to a Thai man for a few years, and engaged to another for a few more( one when I was really young, and one when I was really old... lol) I stayed first as an exchange student, and have friends and family from that as well as through marriage.

I am very at home there, love it!
Nothing to be afraid of in Thailand, unless you weant it that way wink

Life is the best schooling for kids...
best of luck!

"God *was* my co-pilot, but then we crashed, and I had to eat him..."

smfrenchieBRONZE Member
3 posts
Location: United Kingdom

If you end up on Phi Phi, then Mr Bao does 1hr lessons on the beach (can't remember exactly but ask around, people will know)

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

 Written by:

Pie is often a great location for spinners



scampGOLD Member
4 posts
Location: Shanghai, china

wish i'd listened to you guys....
samui was fairly awful- horrifically touristic & overpriced, and the full moon party was not what i hoped frown

where can you find a good party these days?
Is Goa over too?

harder better faster stronger

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