Forums > Meet Others > London, UK - New Acrobatics/Staff/Parkour/Breakdance/Percussion Group

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16 posts

Dear Fellow Spinners,

I have just moved to London from Cambridge where I ran a fire performance company, Prometheus Firetroupe ( I am interested in setting up a new performance project based in London.

The initial aim for the group will be to develop the field of staff acrobatics. This will involve learning bits of gymnastics, martial arts, parkour and breakdance, and experimenting with combining these movements with the momentum of a spinning staff.

Further aims will be to experiment with multi-person choreography combined with acrobatic staff work taking inspiration from folk dance patterns and a number of other exotic elements. Other performance elements, such as "performance percussion" (think STOMP), will also be developed over time.

The ultimate aim for this group is to put together a groundbreaking original show for public performance that I intend to take, at the very least, to Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

At this stage, I am looking for people interested in working hard to develop some high level movement skills. The following skills will be looked upon favourably: good grounding in staff, acro, gymnastics, martial arts, parkour, breakdance, folk dance, any other kinds of dance, circus aerial routines, any instrument especially hand percussion.

The timing and intensity of training will depend on what sort of response I get, but will be something between a session lasting a few hours up to perhaps three evenings a week. Even if you aren't interested in ultimately being involved in a performance but are interested in doing varied and fun activities that will teach you a few tricks, I'd love to hear from you. Equally if you are involved or interested in production for circus or dance style performances (lighting, sound, production, fundraising, whatever), please tell me if you'd like to potentially get involved.

mausBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
4,191 posts
Location: Sihanoukville, cambodia

Sounds brilliant! Best of luck with it! biggrin

16 posts

Sorry, I'm not sure how clear I was in my original post:

Anyone can join as long as you're reasonably fit and know your way around a staff, there is no obligation at this stage.

Once I know who is interested I will organise training sessions. These will be on the weekend or weekday evenings and will be a couple of hours long. I will run them as often as people are willing to turn up to them.

They will involve learning lots of different skills. As such, the location and activity of the classes will change from session to session as is necessary. Note that I am not a gymnastics instructor, and this course is not about me teaching you my skills. There will be no charge, except maybe asking you to chip in if we have to hire any facilities.

LazyAngelGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
2,895 posts
Location: Cambridge UK

Hey Ed! (at least I'm guessing that's you?) how's it going? hope your eyes are all sorted now? You might want to speak to the good people at UCL: they have a breakdance society and a juggling society full of lovely people.

Because ActiveAngel sounds like a feminine deodorant

Like sex, I'm much more interesting in real life than online.

'Be the change you want to see in the world around you' - Ghandi

16 posts


I've found a dozen interested people, workshops should be starting up in a month or two. Unless I can find somewhere better, I will probably run these in the Synergy Centre.

Can anyone suggest another place with a large studio space which is more central? Sports halls or anything with a sprung(ish) floor and crash mats would be great...

Applications still accepted!

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