SoverntearSILVER Member
56 posts
Location: Canada

alright im seeming to be missing this concept. lets start on a 2 beat . I always use my right hand to be the lead hand, does it mean use my left hand to be the lead? or is it that i always go from left to right when i weave so would the reverse be going from right to left? *confused*

Kathain_BowenGood Ol' Yarn For Hair
422 posts
Location: Atlanta, GA, USA

Your starting direction seems to be usually determined by your personal preference. Personally, I start all of my weaves on the right side, but, that's mostly because I'm very right side dominant. So, I can't speak for all people on which way to start.

However, your starting side does not determine which direction you are spinning in ("forward" or "reverse"). The motion of the poi determines the direction. A cool trick to see the difference is to watch how the poi move in as they cross in front of you. As the poi pass in front of you, they will either go along the diagonal in a downward or upward motion. In the forward weave, the poi will move downward in front of you (moving upwards as they arc on either side of you). As you reverse weave, the poi will move upward in front of you (moving downward through the arcs).

"So long and thanks for all the fish."

SoverntearSILVER Member
56 posts
Location: Canada

by that explanation im doing reverse weaves not foreward weaves *confused again*

Kathain_BowenGood Ol' Yarn For Hair
422 posts
Location: Atlanta, GA, USA

Well, if you're just doing figure 8s or infinity loops (which has always been my understanding of the 2 bt weave- although, I've also been told such a thing technically doesn't exist...) the motion of your hands behind moving in a "forward" or "reverse" motion is quite similar. So, you may not feel any difference in a 2bt at all.

Check out the HoP videos under FREE LESSONS. Click on Poi. Click on BEGINNERS 2, and, then, click on both FORWARD WEAVE (3 BEATS) and on REVERSE WEAVE (3 BEATS). There are actually wonderful little videos there where you can see, from a fixed outside perspective the difference between forward and reverse.

"So long and thanks for all the fish."

SoverntearSILVER Member
56 posts
Location: Canada

ahhhhhhh i see now, good call on the videos.

Kathain_BowenGood Ol' Yarn For Hair
422 posts
Location: Atlanta, GA, USA

No worries. It's much easier to watch things than it is to read an explanation. To make it worse- I feel the difference for the most part (*feels like different muscles are working)

Hope that clears things up between forward and reverse.

"So long and thanks for all the fish."

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