Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

In Nottingham, where I live, it has a (well earned) reputation as *Ketamine City*. At the poi meet last night loads of K heads turned up and some of them were downright antisocial, saying really unpleasant things, calling me a nerd etc....It started me thinking *why the fuck are they turning up?* Is it just to mock what they don't have the energy to do themselves cos they're so far down the K Hole. Or is it cos when you're into ketamine you seldom have the energy to do anything constructive yourself so are atracted to the energy of others. Whatever it is i wish they'd GO AWAY! Initially when i started the poi meet I was worried about getting negativity off the locals, but this is not the case at all (the local love us!). I am very suprised to be getting hassle from ppl who are *ravers*, who I count as part of my social group (even tho i only know one or two of them).This negativity has upset me so much that i feel like scrapping it all, but i won't. Goodness will prevail over adversity. Besides, I learned a new club move last night so it really is worth the hassle!Onelove, Thistlefirepixie smile

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Dr.NoodleHeadBRONZE Member
170 posts
Location: The Giant Mushroom, United Kingdom

So sorry to hear about the down vibes - it can really put a damper on an evening. The K-head/brew-crew/billy-bruisers are such a pain and seem to creep in so many places nowadays.Personally, I think people who do K for pleasure (rather than by accident smile) tend to be innately negative and uncreative - and it seems to be a rather sad aspect of human nature that people will try and trash what they don't understand.Stay happy, follow your own path and listen to the opinions of people you respect. Big smiley hug smileNoods

Fish are just like trees except they move and they're invisible

SupermanBRONZE Member
829 posts
Location: Houston, Texas, USA

"K" meanig the tab that is made out of horse tranquilizers?? And is usually mistaken for XTC? Thats what "K" is here. And it makes your whole body go numb. My friend took some thinking it was "X". He said it was horrible.Why do people need to hate on others?? I could give a rats ass what other people do as long as it is not destructive or hurting someone. Dont knock it till youve tried it.I thought the whole raver scene was stupid 8 months ago. Now i love it! I tried it once and i was hooked. Besides it indtroduced me to POI.Try something, if you donr like it then fine, your perogative, just dont player hate on ones that do.just my $.02Super'------------------"Only the warrior that hears the call will know when to leave, Where to go" -unknown"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of the dreams"- Willy Wonka

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.

- Mark Twain

Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

Cheers u guys I always feel better in the knowledge that: A) some one cares and B) Some one agrees.Superman, around here *K* is mainly imported from India in liquid form and then *cooked up* into powder to be snorted. It is not my cup of tea. I prefer to be stimulated than anethetised. It is a very sad state around here there are many, many *K* heads wasting their lives. (Some of them were my mates once but I am tooooo energetic for them smile)Noodles, Sunny & Grufty say thanx for the huddles (Sunny has sore paw, off to the vets in a bit).Love & Peace, Thistlefirepixie grin

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