peternoel_40BRONZE Member Member 3 posts Location: USA
Posted: I made an account earlier in the year and i cannot recall the password so when i tried to but the cathedral ball chain poi i used a temporay password all it kept saying was this account already exists please put in correct information w/e so if an admin or something can delete all my accounts so i can make a new itd be very helpful or just tell how i can order them very frustarated
SkulduggeryGOLD Member Pirate Pixie Crew Captain 8,428 posts Location: Wales
Posted: Hello Peter As you have posted here it shows that the account peternoel_40 is working. You should be able to order your goods in that name. If it doesn't work try [Old link]
If you still have no joy, try emailing Chris (Kombi Guy) at
Feed me Chocolate!!! Feed me NOW!
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