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_Poiboy_PLATINUM Member
bastard child of satan
1,113 posts
Location: Raanana, Israel

hi, me and my friend are thinking of starting a fire spinning group, so i wanted to ask if any performers have any tips for starting out, and for performing in general?
also some tips for busking would help.

CodySILVER Member
That guy from Reno
556 posts
Location: Reno, Nevada USA

Great questions to which I'm sure we could write novels about. For general starters here is some advice. Make sure your all on the same page from the start. Are you going to do this for money or for fun. Are you going to teach or just perform. I have found that if you want a group, find as many people who already know the art to help then start teaching friends and other interested people. You'll be amazed at how fast people will progress and next thing you know you have a troup of spinners. Mind you this requires allot of work on your part. Try your best to find out what permits and licenses you'll need to perform with fire in your location. Being on the up and up with the authorities is the best way to start. Find a practice spot the begin, you can usually burn on private property with out a permit so try adn find a location like that. For practice without fire I used a university campus. I'd bring a cooler full of drinks to keep people there and practicing.

When you start to get bigger and more complicated try and figure out who is in charge of what and respect each others titles. Who is in charge overall is a great start otherwise your open for personal agendas and mob democracy.

Good Luck!

Cody Canon
Controlled Burn, Reno Nevada

_Poiboy_PLATINUM Member
bastard child of satan
1,113 posts
Location: Raanana, Israel

we're stuck with naming our group, any good idea for a cool name?

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