GeezaGOLD Member
694 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

Ive spinning over a year now and I still dont understand how understand thread the needle works. I can do overhand fine but underhand seems impossible (not that ive been practicing it all the time though)

Anyone got any tips?

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,749 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

put one poi under the other.... :P

I thought it was impossible too once.

T wave

This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

GeezaGOLD Member
694 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

learnt how to do it. All it took was about 10 minutes of constant trying.

The way i got it was to do the usual underhand butterfly and put my normal left hand above, then i just tried to switch to right hand above. Took some doing but done now.

Just need to get it to look as neat as overhand ttn now

jarleGOLD Member
Lv15 Ranger
1,489 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

I learnt it by going really slowly, and one I was able to do it one I'd speed it up and so on.

Also, during boring classes at school I kept thinking about how it worked, where the poi were at every moment - not sure if that helps, but hope it does!


ZeroGSILVER Member
Friendly Fire Fiddler
103 posts
Location: Munich, Germany

I tried for a year to do the "butterfly but alternate forward hands" - pointless.
When I looked at it that TTN is NOT a butterfly, but a stabbing move of hands across the underarm it worked.
Butterfly has bent planes, TTN has a front and a back plane alternating - and timing is crucial (hence the name). Thats why you can hold a butterfly but not a TTN.
Having figured this, it was a walk in the park, including splittime, turns etc.
Inward has stabbing hand over the arm, outward TTN under the arm, slightly more tricky to keep the plane straight ...
Great move with much more variety than the overrated weave ...

GeezaGOLD Member
694 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

been trying to do a butterfly weave. Is the butterfly weave just a ttn on either side of the body? (have to know underhand and overhand)

dirkjentlyBRONZE Member
22 posts
Location: melbourne, Australia

yeeha!! lol geeza, your the first person i've heard mention a butterfly weave (mind you i haven't trawled the forums much)

there are 2 types of butterfly weave from what i've worked out, you can either cross your arms or not cross your arms. (although i guess you could call one a butterfly weave and the other a TTN weave)

i'll try and explain how i do it, be aware though that i dont' know the proper names of how to do things becasue i'm completly self taught but i'll see how i go explaining it.

i've found that its very dependant on your prefered hand.

When your doing a normal butterfly, you can have one hand ontop of the other fairly easily, move the bottom hand to the other side of your body so both poi are spinning in opposite directions. now move the other hand (the hand that was originally on top) underneath the other one. I found its alot easier to weave one way untill you get used to it.

with the TTN weave, (these are exxagerated moves to give you the idea) when you are TTN as you are takign your hand over the other instead of going down and startign to move the other hand, lift it up as if you where going to spin over your shoulder, and if you have the tiing right you should be able to turn and make the other poi move like it would in a low turn, then its just a matter of recovering so they don't run into eachother as you come out.

'The prerequisite of originality is the art of forgetting, at the proper moment, what we know.' 32

RaveRepresentSILVER Member
567 posts
Location: USA

Theres many different kinds of butterfly weaves.

1. Start of doing the normal butterfly and cross over, cross back, etc etc..

2. Start doing a reverse butterfly and cross over and back etc etc..

3. Start doing a Thread the Needle, once you're in the middle of your cross, turn over and your hands will be crossed, but you can still maintain that butterfly weave.

4. ditto Except reverse.

5. Regular TTN weave.

6. Reverse TTN weave.

7. Butterfly weave with both poi split buzzsawing inside, then crossing

8. Same but reverse.

Theres two more, but I don't know how to describe them..

"I don't know what you are talking about"

"Cardinal!!! Poke her... with the SOFT CUSIONS!!!!"

"Its not working my lord!"

"Have you got all of the stuffing on one end?!"

GeezaGOLD Member
694 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

It melts my brain watching this, but im sure ill get something like it soon. In the mean time im learning how to get my crosses right

oh, cheers all

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