Favorite Food(s): chilli con carne, pasta, junk food
Favorite Color: green
Toys: love my glow and fire poi
Hobbies other than the obvious: martial arts, making jewellery,
Favorite Book: The borrowers as a kid, now sad to say but i don't read so much now
Favorite Movie(s): The Simpsons movie, 80's films like back to the future, private benjiman, overboard, monty python.
Favorite TV show(s): CSI, The office (anything with Ricky Gervais really) Mock the Week, 8 out of 10 Cats
Plans for life in general: (i.e. what you want to do when you grow up) i'm going back to university to study forensics
Favorite Music Artists/Composers: the gossip and goldfrapp
Favorite ice cream flavor(s): I like fruit sorbets
EDITED_BY: wannabe_poister (1186151794)
clarence_quackSILVER Member QuackerJack 1,927 posts Location: over your left shoulder, Australia
Posted: Hi! Welcome! But you forgot the most important question on the template- Do you like vegemite, marmite or nutella? It's very important that we know!