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newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

Hey tonight while I've been on HoP a *do you want to trust this 'certificate' notice* has popped up a number of times frelating to a certificate from something from the Mixing Bowl. Firefox suggests it might 'from a site pretending to be.. etc.

Naturally I haven't accepted it as I have no idea what it is. There is a pointer to a website www.mixingbowl.org but I am not signing up to enter it cos, again, I don't know what it is or what 'logging on insecurely' to it implies.

Any clues, Oh Nerdy and More Experienced Ones? I took a screen shot if anyone is interested/needs to know more

OK now the plot thickens.. I noticed that just typing the name of the site in created a link here so I followed it and got to a page (vergant?) with a whole lot of names .. website names??? One of which was the Mixing Bowl. Vergant looks all green and cuddly... anyone know why it would be suddenly sending me certificates in the middle of HoP sessions though?

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

mcpPLATINUM Member
Flying Water Muppet
5,276 posts
Location: Edin-borrow., United Kingdom

same happened to me, lots, but I ain't following that link while running windows.

"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade

I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.

newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

Wow, summon up a nerdy and more experienced one and get MCP! That's pretty fine summoning if I say so meself.
From that site? Just when on HoP? More details please....

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

mcpPLATINUM Member
Flying Water Muppet
5,276 posts
Location: Edin-borrow., United Kingdom

well I can't say I know much about hacking, but it would be a good way to get people to accept a certificate and then install dodgy activex / stuffs / malspyadware without asking the user... but for that to be the case HOP BB would have to be hack-ed. If the site goes to a big list of sites, could be some kind of phishing network...

Yeah I only get the certificate when on hop. But I do have like 20 more tabs open, for the joys of multi-surfing.

"the now legendary" - Kaskade
"the still legendary" - Kaskade

I spunked in my friend's aquarium and the fish ate it. I love all fish. Especially the pink ones. They are my bitches. - Anon.

astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

I was getting something asking me to log in. Never really thought about what it might be. Just cancelled. I remember the word Darmstadt.

Only happened while on HoP, but again, I have lots of tabs open so I dunno that it was this site.

Not had any certificate requests.

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

Hmmm Well I don;t like it an in light of MCP's comment I will notify HoP admin in case it is something related to these BBs making my details open to a phisher.

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

Thanks for that, Malcolm, that is great that you have been on this so quickly and helpfully. clap And you sound like you know what you are talking about and everything wink

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

Haven;t seen the pesky little certificate thingy tonight.

ahhaaahhahhahahaha it came up a second later. The page where it happened was
[Old link]
EDITED_BY: newgabe (1227629808)

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

RicheeBRONZE Member
HOP librarian
1,841 posts
Location: Prague, Czech. Republic

It's there, asking for accepting SSL certificate:


Certificate Issueer:


"thmixingbowl.org" is site that uses a security certificate to
encrypt data during transmission, bu its certificate will not be
valid until 11/19/08 21:29.

you should check to make sure that your computers's time
(correctly set to Wed Oct 22 01:55:08 2008) is correct.

Would you like to continue anyway?


Supposed to be something with time
and some software.

(explore SSL default..)







newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

The certificate acceptance sign I got had differnet date parameters on it. I have sent screen shots to Malcolm.

Anyway, I'm off to Sydney for a bit so I wont be getting any computer anythings today...

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

[Old link] produced it too.

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

[Old link]
and again.
Really, am I the only person who gets this?

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

philhewsBRONZE Member
37 posts
Location: England (UK)

None of the links so far have generated the problem for me. I'm running in Google chrome on WinXP.

Firefox 3 loads with no message, although Internet Explorer has given me a message in the info bar saying
"To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has blocked this website from displaying content with security certificate errors. Click here for options..."

As I'm at work at the moment I'm not going to play with it, but I'll explore a bit more once I have access to my virtual machines at home this evening.

ElectricBlueGOLD Member
Now with extra strawberries
810 posts
Location: Canberra, Australia

I just ran in to the same problem while loading this page:
[Old link]

EDITED_BY: ElectricBlue (1227833247)

I {Heart} hand me downs and spinning in the snow.<br /><br />

StoutBRONZE Member
1,872 posts
Location: Canada

Is this just happening to you dissidents with yer Macs and yer FireFox ?

Betcha the NWO is trying to keep tabs on you non conformists and we've they've already downloaded all your secrets.

newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

Originally Posted By: StoutIs this just happening to you dissidents with yer Macs and yer FireFox ?

Yep, the rest of you have already been invaded, brainspooned and zombified.

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

StoutBRONZE Member
1,872 posts
Location: Canada

You WILL be assimilated

The Mac and the FireFox were only tools to ferret you out and the mixingbowl message was only a tool to demonstrate our surveillance capabilities.

All hail the PC and the stuff it comes from the store with !!

newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

[Old link]
And AGAIN woohoo.

ps Stout, you are SO busted for posting without reading spank old

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

StoutBRONZE Member
1,872 posts
Location: Canada

I read all the words first

I might have been guilty of posting while drunk though. ooooops redface hug

newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

Another one now. Wisenet.
*sent to Malcolm*

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

Turned off pop up windows and that has certainly helped. Had allowed them for a bit for something I needed.. don;t need it now.

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

philhewsBRONZE Member
37 posts
Location: England (UK)

So I tried this in my VM at home. WinXP and IE7, but every time I tried to open the HOP forums page IE crashed, so I didn't find anything out.

RicheeBRONZE Member
HOP librarian
1,841 posts
Location: Prague, Czech. Republic

I think, this SSL certificate appear so random,
so it isn't neither client side, nor code bug.

Do HOP still has caching servers in US?

random tech thought,




astonSILVER Member
Unofficial Chairperson of Squirrel Defense League
4,061 posts
Location: South Africa

Hmmm.... Getting them now. Was not, because I think the uni firewalls were catching them. Or just because this is a different setup....

'We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad." [said the Cat.]
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "Or you wouldn't have come here."
- Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures In Wonderland

newgabeSILVER Member
what goes around comes around. unless you're into stalls.
4,030 posts
Location: Bali, Australia

I haven;t had them since I disallowed pop ups

.....Can't juggle balls but I sure as hell can juggle details....

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