Mr_JoePart-time genius
59 posts
Location: Netherlands

Right, I've decided to get my arse out of the UK, it needs doing tongue2 I've been preliminarily approved for a working holiday visa in NZ but apart from that I've not really gotten very far, so I'm doing plenty of reading today! Where be the spinners? Anyone got a sofa for a strapping young lad who makes a mean cup of tea?

I'm a tree surgeon so I'll be hoping to do some tree work when I'm over there but I could use a couple of friendly faces to make contact with on the other side, and there's nowhere friendlier than HoP smile

Joe x

EDITED_BY: Mr_Joe (1228810195)

keyarghahPLATINUM Member
Woodford is Goodford..!
241 posts
Location: Sydney at heart., Australia

can i second that? was thinking about going to the NZ Juggling fest in march.. i want kiwi hoppers! bounce2 bounce2


Juggling Jack FlashGOLD Member
1,207 posts
Location: Free falling through time, United Kingdom

yeah man, come down for NZJF, it's great fun and you get to meet lotsa cool people

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you land among the stars

Mr_JoePart-time genius
59 posts
Location: Netherlands

Oooh now that does sound like fun!

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England

Oooo - try and get some tree work on the Kauri trees oop north. That'd be wicked.

But boooooo - you're leaving wink

Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

KihitaraSILVER Member
Red Damselfly
14 posts
Location: North Shore City, New Zealand

If you're wanting to know where regular gatherings are in NZ, this is a good guide:

The FireNight in Mission Bay is worth going to. Fun, friendly people. Fire poi, fire staff, juggling, unicycles, all sorts of fun and games.

Never meddle in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

PuffSILVER Member
The Magic Dragon
134 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

I second Kihitara! We even had unicycle jousting last Sunday. Well when I say we I kinda fell off straight away but the other guys did! Fun times for all. The Central City Circus (Mr Markeespark and pals) also do a fire night on Tuesdays and various locations, we try and keep the events page here updated. Also there is a juggling night on Wednesdays at The Leys gym in Ponsonby. check out
for more details.

Let my words, dear friends, be treasures. Weightless golden butterflies that hang before your eyes for seconds, then are gone. But the dust of truth and beauty that their wingbeats leave behind will settle on your soul and make you happy. - Edward Monkton

lowrygodBRONZE Member
1 post
Location: New Zealand

if you make it to nelson me and a couple of mates have a relaxed spin on the beach most friday nights.
nelson is an awesome place to visit not a lot of beds around tho frown

8 posts
Location: seoul, South Korea

Hello, I`m Korean and I want to learn spinning poi
I`ll go to New Zealand 3/11 CRISTCHURCH 3/11~3/18
3/19~3/22 I will go to 17th NewZealand juggling festival

But I don`t know how can I get piha beach
and.. Is there poi academy in Auckland? or anywhere in NZ
I really want

my E-mail -->

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