1 post

I am looking for people who live in or near Slangspruit, Pietermaritzburg, or Durban, in South Africa....around that area, who would be interested in joining me, my partner and his family on the 16th and 17th of September 2009. We will be performing and running circus skills workshops for an underprivileged school in Slangspruit as part of a community project. We would be doing a show at around 1pm, then running workshops when they finish school, in the afternoon. We would then be going back on the 17th, to work with a selected age group during school time.

I have a contact that is very involved in the community project and would like to set up something more permanent. The idea being to create a group of local people who could continue doing regular workshops for the school.

There are 800 kids at the school and we would like to cater for as many of them as possible. Whether just being with us for the day to improve the quality of the show and workshops, or becoming part of a team to visit the school regularly, any support is greatly appreciated!

We will only have the afternoon of the 15th and the morning of the 16th to prepare, so any routines can be just slotted into place when we know what we have to play with. Also, as there is no budget for the project, any resources, such as piping for hula hoops, or circus equipment for the workshops is needed. So any help or information about sourcing materials locally would be great.

This is a fantastically worthwhile project as this is a particularly needy school, with a number of community charitys working to improve the quality of these childrens lives. If you live in or around the area or know someone that does, please get in contact. For more information and to see pictures of the Christmas Box project on facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=54296626691&ref=ts
and my email is chantihobbit@gmail.com.


we are the music makers and we are the dreamer of dreams

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