kithGOLD Member Object Manipulation Student 20 posts Location: Pennsylvania, USA
Posted: I'll fill out the questionairre before adding my own stuff:
Name: Kith
Location: Pennsylvania - United States
Hometown: Philadelphia
Birthday (sign?): Leo - all fire
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Occupation(s): Full time student of life. I've also worked a lot of jobs. Retail, service, always in the trades somewhere. If I had a career, then it would hae been cabinetry. Currently a painter (again - the boss this time so much happier) and part-time tech support on the side for some local businesses.
I'd like to find a way to make poi my work.
Favorite Food(s): Sugar. Followed very closely by Meat. I consider coffee to be it's own food group.
Favorite Color(s): Green and Silver. This is a contradiction, I know, but if you knew me you would undertand why this particular question is so significant and far reaching.
What is the wing speed of an unladen swallow? Unfortunately, too fast for me to catch up to one and ask. If I ever do though, look forward to an edit! ...maybe I can catch a laden one and ask him about his friends?
Toys: Poi toys, one day i'll post pics of all of 'em. A digital camera that can do video, for the obvious reason. An E-Book reader. Library in your pocket - (go sony). All my survival gear.
Other then that...i'm not the kind of person who keeps many material things, so the few things I do have are very valuable. Outside of my clothes and my truck, and one heckuva cool loveseat-bed-type thing, that's about all I own.
Hobbies other than the obvious: Running. Running full tilt over rough/dangerous terrain. Skipping on rocks in streams as fast as I can. Camping. Reading. Learning, as much as possible! Thought experiments.
Education: On-going. Right now mostly focused on poi again, everything else is kinda in the background. Been in and out of college for various things. (for people unsure - tech schools are bad choices)
Hoping to go back to college at some point for math and physics, meantime learning on my own. Would be nice to relax into a teaching career for history or physics if I make it to 50 or so.
Favorite Book(s): Lots. Grew up on things like: Tom corbett, space cadet. Hardy Boys. Rick Brant. Read most of the classics, but didn't really absorb them. Were read mostly on the basis of interpreting language usage. Moved into the fantasy genre, D&D type of stuff - though i've never played the game. The novels were great stories though.
But i'll read anything that isn't a romance novel or self-help magazine.
Favorite Movie(s): Again, lots, but some favorites: Equilibrium. Hackers. The Sting. The Saint. Top Secret. Mean Guns. The Princess Bride. Indiana Jones series. Flight of the Navigator. How High. Heat. The Hunt for Red October. Ask for more!
Godzilla vs. a Star Wars Star Destroyer. Who wins? Why? Pah. Star wars star destroyer. No contest. Godzilla isn't half as intimidating as an imperial starship, and besides, what's godzilla got for the shields, or the tie fighters that come with a star destroyer?
Favorite TV show(s): If I ever own a T.V. i'll probably find some. When I can watch t.v. sometimes I turn on the science channel first, or then maybe history if there's nothing space on science.
Plans for life in general: (i.e. what you want to do when you grow up) Juries out on this one. Indefinitely I think. There are a lot of things that I would like to do, but i've learned that my life goals should just be guidelines. I might learn something tomorrow that changes my whole plan around. Darned new evidence. So I plan to do the best I can with what life has to offer, and have fun on the way. Everything else is subjective.
Favorite Music Artists/Composers: Dunno. For something so important, I am super-lacking in this field. Sound is such an overwhelming amount of how you experience the world around you, that I guess I should be more on point with this.
Generally, any music thats techno-like without any lyrics. Really, shut up and let me experience the beat. I don't have an ipod or anything, mostly I get my music through a beat up old p.c., and generally whatever I can find i'm in the mood for. Ambient is general good, sometimes I need something with a little more power.
Do you think these pants make my butt look too big? Maybe. The psychological importance of this question is highly situational, and as such is subject to being a variable. Absolute yes or no is impossible unless you paint a more complete picture of the situation.
Favorie ice cream flavor(s): hrm - umm, chocolate, in small amounts.
Marmite, Vegemite, or Nutella?* The answer I come up with is...none of the above. I guess that makes me an atheist in the 'religion spread' here, but you can have it all, and you'll get no complaint from me.
Maybe, one day, might (possibly) maybe catch me wandering around a Nutella cathedral, but if such an alleged event were to ever hypothetically occur, it would be over very quickly.
I could've supplied a much better answer if the question was Coffee/tea
wow. That was a lot of questions.
So, i've been here for a while now. This community is great, and has been so helpful to my on my poi adventure. I figure i've been bouncing around here long enough that I should probably introduce myself.
So yo!
Where I come from, 'yo' means everything. From a greeting to a place...maybe a person, or a definition. A color, a time, could be anything. It's local slang, and so i'll try to keep it out of my postings to prevent confusion, but i'll probably still use it as a greeting a lot.
I tend to be the type of person who uses ten words to describe soemthing, when two would have been more then sufficient. I also drift all over the place in my conversation. I'll do my best to keep myself on topic. But sorry in advance for the length of my postings, which some poeple find aggravating. I just think more information is usually better then less. (but not always!)
I also don't like to edit my postings. I will if I have to, and most of the time I do forget to include something. Usually i'll wait for someone to respond and continue on after that, filling in anything I forgot in the previous post. On some occasions I will post after myself, but when I do it will make sense, and probably be ok.
I'm generally eco-friendly, and appreciate the concept of 'leave no trace' camping. I love to camp, any time I can go live using no electricity and limited resources is happy for the environment and relaxing for me. More natural. Hiking is fun too, and provides it's own set of fun challenges and goals.
Very goal oriented over here. I love to have a project to work on, or something specific to do. Even better if the method of achieving this goal is a big ?, or at least lenient in allowing me to puzzle out the best way. I like to strive to be as efficient as possible, and every situation like that is one more chance to try. Logic puzzles are fun too.
Sometimes I am accused of being too analytical, but such is life.
Fruit! Fruit is awesome, and i'd take the sugar from fruit over cane sugar any day...unless I was trying to make a cup of coffee. I love pretty much all fruit, though there are a few that I find quite a kiwi for instance - can't eat those. And I used to eat a lot of nuts, but more and more i'm not such a nut fan any more. I dunno, taste just changing again. Rather eat a piece of meat then a handful of nuts.
It was a long, long road to poi, and some of the steps on the way are frowned upon mentioning in this place, but I love everything about it. I suffered an injury to my left wrist about two and a half years ago, where several tendons were severed.
(glasss window)*(bodyweight+inertia) = bad.
I was able to have an amazing plastic surgeon re-attach them, and have almost the full range of movement in my left wrist. I spent 3 months with my hand taped to my shoulder, and another 3 to work it down to my waist. It's been a long time to re-introduce myself to poi after the physical therapy.
Consequently, my left-hand is always a little out of plane. It's hard to remember that I have to move the muscles further to achieve the same result, and maybe over the years i'll be able to overcome this. I won't let it stop my poi adventure though!
I couldn't sleep, so it seemed like a good time to do this, but i'm pretty burnt out now. I'll see you all around on the boards!
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