6,650 posts

highly contagious, definitely reaching pandemic status soon... as lethal as H1N1, only killing more softly and slowly


- using the word "like" more than 10 times/ minute in conversations, mainly as a phrase to keep others attention.

Definitely softer (but thus even more contagious) version of the "F-word" virus, at first only sucking all attention and next the energy of your partner, family and friends. Often comes with logorrhea and/or ADS


- immediately after you detect infection on yourself: shut up and let others talk instead - in extreme cases look for help of a professional lingo trainer.
- long term therapy: practice thinking before you talk and use "as in" as a possible substitute
- immediately when you notice it on someone else: raise (their) awareness, silence them or simply walk off - otherwise they are going to suck you dry and infect you instantly

On a general base, either use earplugs or listen to music when occupying public spaces.

be s.a.f.e. - be a.w.a.r.e.

thanks for helping to make this a better place

the best smiles are the ones you lead to wink

the_mods_stole_my_nameSILVER Member
travelling without moving
1,286 posts
Location: Maghull, Liverpool, United Kingdom

But i'm a scouser, we're all programmed to say like at the end of every sentence like.

Heilige Scheiße, Batman kommt!

Reality is just a state of mind which occurs through a lack of lsd

XxX owned by devilsarmy XxX


MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

I as in this thread wink

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

StoutBRONZE Member
1,872 posts
Location: Canada

Like, wow man, totally tubular

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