The Void ............. TLMB tees & hoodies: : 7 new designs! EDITED_BY: TLMB (1254753868)
81LLBRONZE Member pant crafting 97 posts Location: Ireland
Posted: really nice ronan style is great!
No air drumming - Bruford could change the timing up so fast you could snap your wrist!
TankboySILVER Member Resident Demolitions Expert 103 posts Location: San Francisco, Ca, USA
Posted: He doesnt look like a huge hippy! (except for those pants)
Another great performance.
_Poiboy_PLATINUM Member bastard child of satan 1,113 posts Location: Raanana, Israel
Posted: NICE. I really like seeing how his routine evolved since I saw it here at the IJC. A few subtle changes and some amazing new moves made an already amazing routine even better. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of Ronan.
JayKittyGOLD Member Mission: Ignition 534 posts Location: Central New Jersey, USA
Posted: I found myself a few times just saying WTF. Wow
Don't mind me, just passing through.
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