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Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
Insert Champagne Here
13,215 posts
Location: without class distinction, Australia

I saw this on another forum and can't remember it being played here and thought it could be a bit of fun.

Basically, one person makes a "wish" and the next posted grants it, but corrupts it in some way.

"I wish for a million dollars"
"a million dollars appears in your bank account but the police then knock on your door about a bank robbery"

now lets get creative!

I wish I could fly!

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

RaineStormNerevarine, Dohvakiin, Browncoat
177 posts
Location: Torvvun (AKA alpha centauri)

You can!!! But you also catch a disease that if you bump into anyone your exact change ness will be passed onto them. You bump into me at some random poi festival and now I have your blessing of exact change and you are merely you again.

I wish that a poi festival would come over here so I could chill with other POI spinners.

Someone call the doctor cuz this Beat is Sick-

Trybal WolfSILVER Member
Wolf Furry
517 posts
Location: Earth, USA

one does, but i can't afford a ticket to come.

i wish i could get the ticket

I'd rather die on paws, than live on feet.

RaineStormNerevarine, Dohvakiin, Browncoat
177 posts
Location: Torvvun (AKA alpha centauri)

nooooooooooo!!!!!! (you know, a corruption most ppl will get is much better. pretend you don't know me.)

I wish you could get the ticket too. alas.....

I wish for waffles with sprinkles.

Someone call the doctor cuz this Beat is Sick-

Trybal WolfSILVER Member
Wolf Furry
517 posts
Location: Earth, USA


You get waffles with sprinkles, but you eat them.

I wish for wisdom in wishing.

I'd rather die on paws, than live on feet.

ABOB - Pois'n'us
178 posts
Location: Northern Ireland

you gain wisdom in granting wishes but lose all knowledge of poi and in despair decide to live your life in a bottle shouting 'im a genie!!!' at anyone who looks in your direction

i wish i could get rid of this insomnia

I dont want to be called 'the greatest' or 'one of the greats'; let other guys claim to be the best. I just want to be known as a clown, to me thats the height of my profession. It means you can do everything-sing, dance, and above all, make people laugh

Trybal WolfSILVER Member
Wolf Furry
517 posts
Location: Earth, USA

you lose the insomnia, but every time you fall asleep, you don't wake up for a year, reducing you life to abt 70 days.

i wish money grew on trees, (OK not really because then it would lose all value)

I'd rather die on paws, than live on feet.

RaineStormNerevarine, Dohvakiin, Browncoat
177 posts
Location: Torvvun (AKA alpha centauri)

as a genie though, you are unable to grant your own wishes.

lololol ABOber92, that's the best corruption ive seen yet

I wish that ABOber92 would corrupt my next wish for the ability to make my drawings come to life.

Someone call the doctor cuz this Beat is Sick-

40 posts
Location: northwestern ohio


ABOber92 has corrupted your wish but as its has been wrighten in invisible ink it is unreadable.

I wish I worked in The Office © .

How goes it ?¿

RaineStormNerevarine, Dohvakiin, Browncoat
177 posts
Location: Torvvun (AKA alpha centauri)


alas, it does not.

I wish I knew something about the office so I could agree with you.

Actually I wish someone would randomly give me enough money to buy myself a poi staff.

Someone call the doctor cuz this Beat is Sick-

Trybal WolfSILVER Member
Wolf Furry
517 posts
Location: Earth, USA

Haha, sorry! Im trying to get my own!


Anyone have an extra dollar? wink

Well i don't want to be accused of threadjacking soooo....

I wish someone would randomly give me enough money to buy myself a staff.

No one gives you the money. (That seems like a decent and rather realistic corruption)

I wish

I'd rather die on paws, than live on feet.

ABOB - Pois'n'us
178 posts
Location: Northern Ireland

We all get together and buy both of you (and myself as i want one tongue2 ) the staffs of your dreams! now that we have them we owe a debt of thanks to everyone who chipped in and spend the rest of our lives having to do free gigs for them whenever they ask

i wish i could solve a rubix cube without having to look on the internet for help

I dont want to be called 'the greatest' or 'one of the greats'; let other guys claim to be the best. I just want to be known as a clown, to me thats the height of my profession. It means you can do everything-sing, dance, and above all, make people laugh

40 posts
Location: northwestern ohio

you can solve the Rubik's Cube it just takes you far too long so by the time you solved your first you Rubik's Cube you're 70 years old

I wish my pod poi were here already tongue2

How goes it ?¿

RaineStormNerevarine, Dohvakiin, Browncoat
177 posts
Location: Torvvun (AKA alpha centauri)

They would be-- if they weren't lost in the mail.

I wish that busking was a risk-free occupation.

Ps someone actually did give me enough money for a staff... And batteries... And flowlights... The whole shebang 😃

Someone call the doctor cuz this Beat is Sick-

40 posts
Location: northwestern ohio

I wish I had friends like you

How goes it ?¿

RaineStormNerevarine, Dohvakiin, Browncoat
177 posts
Location: Torvvun (AKA alpha centauri)

haHA!!! well, since you don't, I guess youll just have to PM me and become my friend. seeing as I have connections.... (evil grin)

I wish that .... I could make all the music in my head broadcast as loud as I wanted so I could go street performing without worrying about having to bring amplifiers or power sources. (and this plug goes where???)

Someone call the doctor cuz this Beat is Sick-

ABOB - Pois'n'us
178 posts
Location: Northern Ireland

wish granted!!....but a weird malfunction causes anything you think to also be broadcast for everyone to hear, not put off by this you continue to perform but are told to turn it down by the police, when you tell them the situation (clearly you cant turn it down) they ignore what you said and keep repeating that you have to turn it down, you start getting annoyed at them and all negative thoughts about them a broadcast at steadily louder levels and they arrest you for numerous offences. in trying to get you off, your lawyer decides to make a plea for insanity which the judge, unsure of what to do, quickly accepts and you get thrown into a mental hospital where you must be kept in a soundproof room so you dont disturb the other patients. you start using pillows as poi so the docs put you in a straight jacket and you remain in this condition for the rest of your life, unable to use your arms/hands and stuck with your own thoughts been bellowed at soundproof walls. shouldve stuck with an mp3 player tongue2

i wish that someone would make me a cuppa tea

I dont want to be called 'the greatest' or 'one of the greats'; let other guys claim to be the best. I just want to be known as a clown, to me thats the height of my profession. It means you can do everything-sing, dance, and above all, make people laugh

RaineStormNerevarine, Dohvakiin, Browncoat
177 posts
Location: Torvvun (AKA alpha centauri)

and then I dump it on your head because im laughing too hard to stand up. that is really the best corruption I have ever heard!!!!!

I wish that.. I hadn't just spilt boiling tea all over you and myself

Someone call the doctor cuz this Beat is Sick-

40 posts
Location: northwestern ohio

Time has gone in reverse and now I've got your tea...ha ha...find me if you can :}

I wish there was a ceremonial flow Temple in my hometown.
EDITED_BY: corestripe (1386006684)

How goes it ?¿

RaineStormNerevarine, Dohvakiin, Browncoat
177 posts
Location: Torvvun (AKA alpha centauri)

I just wish there were flow 'temples' everywhere!!;) alas---

I wish there was a bigger flow following

Someone call the doctor cuz this Beat is Sick-

Trybal WolfSILVER Member
Wolf Furry
517 posts
Location: Earth, USA

There is. I'm back.

I wish I had more free time

I'd rather die on paws, than live on feet.

RaineStormNerevarine, Dohvakiin, Browncoat
177 posts
Location: Torvvun (AKA alpha centauri)

lol, all humbleness as usual, Trybal.

you get more free time but you use it all to Skype me.

I wish that butterflies could be easily caught.

Someone call the doctor cuz this Beat is Sick-

Trybal WolfSILVER Member
Wolf Furry
517 posts
Location: Earth, USA

Butterflies become easy to catch, but it is only because a sharp increase in solar radiation has killed them all and we pick them off the ground everywhere. But since they are dead the flowers do not get pollinated and 1/3 of all the worlds food doesn't grow leading to mass starvation and death.

I wish butterflies stayed hard to catch.

I'd rather die on paws, than live on feet.

RaineStormNerevarine, Dohvakiin, Browncoat
177 posts
Location: Torvvun (AKA alpha centauri)

is that the best you can do?
theyre already hard to catch. not that it matters, because you've killed us all with your last corruption.

I wish that I could whistle

Someone call the doctor cuz this Beat is Sick-

40 posts
Location: northwestern ohio

You learn to whistle but forget how to talk so you spend your life whistling song trying to communicate to people ending up creating your own symphony about the story of your life whistling in recording different tracks and laying them over eachother incidently making the most beautiful sound ever heard.

I wish I could understand your story.

How goes it ?¿

RaineStormNerevarine, Dohvakiin, Browncoat
177 posts
Location: Torvvun (AKA alpha centauri)

lol now im like Turaga Nuju. now I just need my Matoro---

I wish I knew which story you were talking about.

Someone call the doctor cuz this Beat is Sick-

RaineStormNerevarine, Dohvakiin, Browncoat
177 posts
Location: Torvvun (AKA alpha centauri)

I wish--- dragons blew bubbles instead of fire.

Someone call the doctor cuz this Beat is Sick-

RaineStormNerevarine, Dohvakiin, Browncoat
177 posts
Location: Torvvun (AKA alpha centauri)

End of page glitch!!!!
I'll corrupt you wish as soon as I can see it, but for now-- I wish there were no end of page glitches.

Someone call the doctor cuz this Beat is Sick-

tracethefaceBRONZE Member
angry turtle
101 posts
Location: Another haunted factory., USA

granted, but only because the forums are down.

i wish i had some ice cream.


ABOB - Pois'n'us
178 posts
Location: Northern Ireland

you get ice cream but are told you arent allowed to eat it or there will be dire consequences. you wait a couple of days, fighting temptation, but it looks so yummy and the mysterious nature of it not melting slowly causes you to start going a lil crazy, obssessing over it even in your dreams until you eventually cant fight temptation anymore and dive head first into it and eat it all. afterwards you feel awesome (if a lil ashamed that you dived head first into it) but soon you notice that the taste and smell of the ice cream hasnt left hours after you ate it, you then start getting a brainfreeze headache which builds and builds until you cant even see anymore eventually it makes its way through your nervous system until you feel like your blood has turned to snow. in desperation you grab a set of fire poi and start spinning like a lunatic but you cant feel the warmth anymore and so you shout louder than youve ever shouted 'why did i wish for ice cream!!!' repeatedly for hours until your eardrums cant take it any more. You then become a legend in your hometown as 'that crazy guy who wont stop shouting about ice cream' but you never know as all your senses have been doomed to feel the effects of the ice cream for the rest of your days.

i wish i could just sit down and work instead of wandering the interwebz writing slightly-strange comments

I dont want to be called 'the greatest' or 'one of the greats'; let other guys claim to be the best. I just want to be known as a clown, to me thats the height of my profession. It means you can do everything-sing, dance, and above all, make people laugh

RaineStormNerevarine, Dohvakiin, Browncoat
177 posts
Location: Torvvun (AKA alpha centauri)

don't we all?
Unfortunately you can't teach an old dog new tricks and you are too set in your ways to change.

I wish that I had more time to spin so I could learn more tricks!

Someone call the doctor cuz this Beat is Sick-

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