Forums > Events, Performances and Gatherings > kinetic fire: a midwest fire dancing retreat

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neospy369GOLD Member
It's my burn life and i'll burn if I want to!!
76 posts
Location: Minnesota, USA

Kinetic Fire is a 4 day fire performer’s paradise, designed to provide a fun and open-share communal environment in which spinners from all over the Mid-West and the world can learn, teach, and advance together in the spinning arts. A sister event to FireDrums, Kinetic Fire focuses heavily on a strong participant led workshop program, spread across a diverse range of object manipulation and fire related disciplines. Fire enthusiasts of all skill levels are encouraged to participate in this rare opportunity for growth and development as a fire artist, with other motivated members of the fire family.

Kinetic Fire will host a plethora of regional, national, and international talent, but the most important part of Kinetic Fire is YOU! Have a skill you would like to share?

Kinetic Fire Official Website

EDITED_BY: Ase Anthony (1298578691)

I spin therefore, I inspire. You spin therefore, you inspire.

JuggleSeanGOLD Member
116 posts
Location: EARTH, USA


Thank you very much for posting this. Really awesome instructor lineup! I am sold. I was going to go to Wild Fire Retreat in May, but it is happening three times this year, so I will attend a later date. I am excited to meet you in person. See you on the other side.

Also, I found this on the WildFire page.
Listing of all major USA fire performing events this year.

Sunfire Retreat in Arizona March 25-27 NEW this year

Kinetic Fire in Illinois May 12-15 NEW this year

Fire Drums in California May 19-22

Wildfire in Connecticut May 20-23

Camp Fire in Minnesota June 10-13

Wildfire in Connecticut Aug 19-22

Pacific Fire Gathering in Oregon Sept 15-18

Wildfire in Connecticut Sept 16-19


ExuroThe Prodigy
82 posts

YAY For Awesomeness closer to home! I cant wait to be there!

You play with fire,
You're going to get burned.

neospy369GOLD Member
It's my burn life and i'll burn if I want to!!
76 posts
Location: Minnesota, USA

Awesome Sean I can't wait to meet ya there buddy!! And thanks for that line up upcoming events very useful!!


I spin therefore, I inspire. You spin therefore, you inspire.

ExuroThe Prodigy
82 posts

The workshop submission button works now!

A little birdie told me that PoiBoy is teaching FOUR classes here!

You play with fire,
You're going to get burned.

fNiGOLD Member
master of disaster
3,354 posts
Location: New York, USA

Quote:Also, I found this on the WildFire page.
Listing of all major USA fire performing events this year.

Not exactly. Those are a listing of all the events (with the exception of elemental artistry) that are being put on, (although there has been no public confirmation of this) by one group/company/organization. It is not a complete listing, heck one could argue that Burningman is the biggest fire performing event of they year, not to mention all of the regional burns and it/they is/are not in your list.

It seems more like advertising on the wildfire forum than a comprehensive list, just something to keep in mind smile

kyrian: I've felt your finger connect with me many times
lou kitten: sneaky little meatball..
ezz: please corrupt me more

JuggleSeanGOLD Member
116 posts
Location: EARTH, USA

Originally Posted By: fNi
Those are a listing of all the events (with the exception of elemental artistry) that are being put on, (although there has been no public confirmation of this) by one group/company/organization.

Why do you assume these events are being put on by the same group/company/organization? After reading about each events history, I was under the impression that they were created and maintained by independent volunteers. I don't think these people are advertising, it seems more like sharing. grouphug

Listing of all major USA fire performing events this year.

I should have been more specific here. These events listed focus primarily on object manipulation. I agree this isn't a comprehensive list of events where fire dancing is performed. These events are 100% about fire performing for fire performers. weavesmiley juggle

Obviously, Burning Man (and regional burns) are working on something bigger than just fire dancing. hug smile


ExuroThe Prodigy
82 posts

Every event on that list is the product of the fire community working together to build and grow itself.

Some of the events you listed have similar organizers, and do overlap in some areas. However they are definitely not put on by one "group" or "company"

You play with fire,
You're going to get burned.

fNiGOLD Member
master of disaster
3,354 posts
Location: New York, USA

Originally Posted By: OhioSean
Why do you assume these events are being put on by the same group/company/organization? After reading about each events history, I was under the impression that they were created and maintained by independent volunteers.

The design of the websites are nearly identical (ex - survival guide, layout, class schedule), as are the use of photographs from Wildfire that appear on the KineticFire website. The one privacy policy that you can read is on PacificFire's website and states

Originally Posted By: PacificFire website
Contacting Us
If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy you may contact us using the information below.
21 Conant St. Salem, MA 01970

While I agree that the organizations may not be linked, the WF website was recently changed so that a person that was a member of WF was automatically on the email lists of the other events. I don't know about the other events, but this was the email we got.

Originally Posted By: email
We have just completed a project to combine all of the individual databases in to one master database

Unless they were all part of the same entity this would seem to run afoul of the privacy policy.

The events as far as I know were created by separate people, but I don't know about the maintenance. smile

All this being said, the events still look wicked and I wish I had the free time to go. Props to everyone who helps make these events happen. Hopefully this makes sense hug smile

kyrian: I've felt your finger connect with me many times
lou kitten: sneaky little meatball..
ezz: please corrupt me more

MidkiffBRONZE Member
shadow stranger
462 posts
Location: Carmi, Illinois, USA

yes finally something in illinois definately planning on being here!

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" - Epicurus

ExuroThe Prodigy
82 posts


To the best of my knowledge there are four groups of people that create the events listed above. Most of them hired the same website host/builder, thus resulting in the similarities of these websites =]

You play with fire,
You're going to get burned.

neospy369GOLD Member
It's my burn life and i'll burn if I want to!!
76 posts
Location: Minnesota, USA

Its the same web design company (Chad) for them, that doesn't mean they are the same group. But yes they all work together.

The spinning community takes everyone to help build it what it is, none of these events would be anything without us all working together.

I'll be at Kinetic, FireDrums, Campfire, and Pacific fire this season, hope to see ya'll out there.

I spin therefore, I inspire. You spin therefore, you inspire.

KaspurGOLD Member
Eternal Student of all things Skill
110 posts
Location: Kansas City, KS, USA

WOO to the 00T. Got my ticket. Cant wait to see the awesome teachers that are coming to the midwest for once. Who all else has got their ticket that I can expect to see there?

Happiness runs in a circular motion!!


neospy369GOLD Member
It's my burn life and i'll burn if I want to!!
76 posts
Location: Minnesota, USA

I gots mines! smile

G4dget are you in any forums or networks that you can help spread the word? We need to KInnetc everyone in the midwest together so we can grow the spinning love!! smile

I spin therefore, I inspire. You spin therefore, you inspire.

neospy369GOLD Member
It's my burn life and i'll burn if I want to!!
76 posts
Location: Minnesota, USA

Kinnect your positve energy!!

I spin therefore, I inspire. You spin therefore, you inspire.

ExuroThe Prodigy
82 posts

Kinetic Fire Update!
People have been Making videos to tell you about Kinetic Fire.
Check out what some of them have to say

Asaf “Poiboy” More


Noel Yee

Aileen Lawlor


Ken Hill



Ian Smith

You play with fire,
You're going to get burned.

_Poiboy_PLATINUM Member
bastard child of satan
1,113 posts
Location: Raanana, Israel

Yeah! So excited for this smile

Can't wait to see everyone there smile

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