Forums > Technical Discussion > UltraLights - New LED GlowSticks by UltraPoi

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*UltraPoi*GOLD Member
49 posts
Location: Texas, USA

Hello HOP fans. I wanted to drop by and introduce you to our new LED glowsticks the Ultralight.

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The Ultralight is a modular LED glowstick with 4 RGB LEDs. It features independent control for the top and the bottom (2 buttons) and works with all your existing modular LED glowstick gear. The independent control and the ability to choose your own colors lets you personalize your show like never before and lets you play with thousands of combinations.

We hope to have these for sale at home of poi very soon. Samples are being sent to them for product testing. If you can't wait until then you can find them on our website.

<br />Ultra Poi, LLC<br />Member

*HyperLightBRONZE Member
old hand
1,174 posts
Location: Great Malvern [UK]

They look like flowlights to me..

From the way people are spinning in the vids they look heavy. How much does each unit weigh?

How much will they cost?

Cake or Death?

*UltraPoi*GOLD Member
49 posts
Location: Texas, USA

They don't look like flowlights when you spin them.

You can get the full stats on their weight and dimensions at our website.
They cost $24.95 a stick and are available now at and hopefully soon at

<br />Ultra Poi, LLC<br />Member

*HyperLightBRONZE Member
old hand
1,174 posts
Location: Great Malvern [UK]

Nice smile

Cake or Death?

*UltraPoi*GOLD Member
49 posts
Location: Texas, USA

Just to show you how different they are crazy.
Here is a picture of the nine display options. The tenth option is a demo of these nine that cycles to a new one every 10 sec.
Since there are two buttons and you can control the pattern on the inside and outside I turned the inside off so that only one pattern is shown.
This is all taken on the first mode which is the 6 color custom mode. For the first 4 modes of the Ultralight, you can choose the colors that you want to use. The colors here are Red, green, blue, yellow, aqua, magenta in that order.


<br />Ultra Poi, LLC<br />Member

*UltraPoi*GOLD Member
49 posts
Location: Texas, USA

I turned on the inside and outside for these and chose different display options.
The inside and outside are both on the same color mode, 6 color, but you can have them on any of the 10 color modes and choose any of the 10 display options for each color mode.


<br />Ultra Poi, LLC<br />Member

adeathlyauraGOLD Member
The Poi Spinning Undead
173 posts
Location: Austin, Texas, United States, USA

I really want to get a set of your ultra lights. They look awesome. ^_^ I'm excited to try them out in all my various flowtoy gear.

Question everything.

*HyperLightBRONZE Member
old hand
1,174 posts
Location: Great Malvern [UK]

I like the stutter fade.. ...sorry, I mean Fuzion/strobe ;-)

Cake or Death?

*UltraPoi*GOLD Member
49 posts
Location: Texas, USA

I'm making the assumption that you think you came up with the idea of two colors exchanging when the reality is that the patterns were added due to the popularity of the (no longer available) pro-series LED poi, which are based on the light up and juggle All-light.

Additionally, we couldn't use the term stutter fade because we didn't want to charge $500 for a pair.

I read somewhere that Fuzion was an appropriate term when marketing things that people can afford. ;-)

But since you like it so much, here is another pic for you.

Rainbow Dash Dot inside/ Tropical Fuzion outside

<br />Ultra Poi, LLC<br />Member

*HyperLightBRONZE Member
old hand
1,174 posts
Location: Great Malvern [UK]

Well they say imitation is sincerest form of flattery ...and those patterns really do look great! Please don't miss-understand me here; I genuinely think the props you guys are producing look fantastic! They do look like still look like flowlights to me though:

Why would using the words 'stutter fade' suggest you should charge $500 for a pair of your toys? If you can make something of comparable quality and feature set to Hyperlights for less than $500 a pair and sustain a business on it then I say go for it! Competition is a very healthy thing for all the spinners out there smile

For the record, I made the first of what I called a stutter fade in 2005:

Non-Https Image Link

...I only wish I'd had the means to bring it to the market sooner.

I'm looking forward to seeing some of your gear in the flesh this summer smile
EDITED_BY: *HyperLight (1336002047)

Cake or Death?

*UltraPoi*GOLD Member
49 posts
Location: Texas, USA

Flowlights are the standard form factor that everyone uses. I think everyone likes the fact that they don't have to rebuy more equipment to use Ultralights.

Ultralights feel completely different in your hands and look completely different when you spin them. There is no way to confuse the two if you had both in your pocket.

UltraPoi was founded to fill the gap between generic LED and rave toys and custom professional lights. The Ultralights were designed to fill what we felt to be a missing link in the LED glowstick market. When our Ultrapoi are released, the will fill another link and you will also understand why the Ultralights are designed the way that they are.

For the record lightupandjuggle has been around since 1994. Don't know when the came up with the all light, but i believe it was before 2005. Also Fuzion does not look like your pic, the transition isn't as abrupt.

I also hope to see more of our products this summer, including Ultrapoi when they are released. I did see a pair of hyperlights at Ultra this year, so congrats on getting a few out into the world. ;-)

<br />Ultra Poi, LLC<br />Member

michaelhaliwelaSILVER Member
1 post
Location: Netherlands

So will the Ultra lights fit in the Flowlights Cases? Because I like the flowmass smile

The Ultra-lights look great BTW smile
EDITED_BY: michaelhaliwela (1338753681)

1 post

You could try locating some UV LED's... Seeing that purple is a combination of red and blue, and in led's the red has a slightly longer shutdown time, then on any "purple led's you're going to have the red tracer effect...

led tube lighting
LED Spotlight
LED Downlight

ryan_white1BRONZE Member
2 posts
Location: USA

Quick question: what if i wanted to set up an ultralight to a set color combo. For example say i wanted my Ultralight to look like a nebula flowlight from flowtoys, would this be possible?

*UltraPoi*GOLD Member
49 posts
Location: Texas, USA

Yes you may create new combos and re-create old favorites as many times as you desire. Literally endless pattern combinations! crazy

<br />Ultra Poi, LLC<br />Member

ryan_white1BRONZE Member
2 posts
Location: USA

I hope these make it to HOP soon, because i recently bought a pair directly from and they are just amazing. You can set them up to make almost literally any color combo you can think of, or set them to one of the color choices that go through all the colors. Also the fact that you can set different patterns on the inside and out just makes them even better than i imagined. Just as strong as flowlights with a tad bit more weight (nothing really noticeable). On top of all this functionality they're super bright and the battery life for me has been amazing I've been using the same batteries for almost 2 weeks now with them on about 1 hour a day.All that said the only "problem" I've found is that it's almost impossible to turn the top light on and off inside a crystal case with mass on it. Definitely not a deal breaker though cause you have to do the same thing with flowtubes anyways. Overall an amazing product definitely worth buying.

Sorry for the paragraph.

Anita Fleerstranger
1 post

I would recommend EL Wire over LEDs though, if only for easy of use and "cyberpunk" look. Cut to size, hook up to power, ready to go.

led light bulb
led ceiling lights
LED Fluorescent

*UltraPoi*GOLD Member
49 posts
Location: Texas, USA

Hey Guys,

Wanted to add a great update to the Ultralight LED Glowstick

Trick Concepts has created a new modular staff system that can use the brand new full color Ultralights from as well as your flowlights that you have collected over the years!

It is a much more sturdy system for your lights as I own them both...It also breaks down into 3 pieces and uses Metal peices so you wont have your plastic connectors breaking like I have experienced in the Flowtoys system.

Trick Concepts Modular Staff System

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<br />Ultra Poi, LLC<br />Member

Raian987BRONZE Member
1 post
Location: USA

I have an idea for new glow sticks that are light like actual glow sticks and have a USB docking station but need help with building then if anyone's interested or if this already exists point me to where I can buy some. Solid glow sticks in like the crystal poi

40 posts
Location: northwestern ohio

Ultralights has an infinitely rechargable glowstick you just grab your flashlight and charge and play ... rinse and repeat haha

How goes it ?¿

40 posts
Location: northwestern ohio

(caution no rinsing needed) lol

How goes it ?¿

*UltraPoi*GOLD Member
49 posts
Location: Texas, USA

yes v2 UltraLights are the most Feature Rich LED Glowsticks in the World, and something new is just around the corner. yes

Non-Https Image Link

EDITED_BY: *UltraPoi* (1408512931)

<br />Ultra Poi, LLC<br />Member

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