Posted: I used to attend the Edinborough Gardens twirling group a very long time ago, however it seems to have dissolved.
Anyone know if this, or any other groups are still operating?
alithebarmanSILVER Member stranger 3 posts Location: Australia
Posted: Hey, I've only really been spinning with mates and randoms and doofs recently. But I'd love to find a regular meet. Edinburgh Gardens is an awesome spot, but I've not seen a regular group there in a while either.
I do poi, a tiny bit of staff but I've mostly been spending my time on the flowwand.
Been thinking of finding or starting up a dedicated flowwand group too.
So, if we can't find a group, how about we get one started?
Dave_ChantrelleBRONZE Member stranger 2 posts Location: Australia
Posted: I interested in getting something started again if there is interest. in fact I'm off to spin in Ed Gardens about 2:30pm today.
Dave_ChantrelleBRONZE Member stranger 2 posts Location: Australia
Posted: There's a few gatherings going on, wed night at playspace on sydney road there's a hooping group which welcome all spinning types. Thursday night fire twirling in St.Kilda is back on tho tomorrow will be the first time i go. Sunday at queen victoria gardens there is a group that meets for spinning and fire. You can add me on face book if you need more info! David 'Dizzy' Chantrelle
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