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bus boySILVER Member
3 posts
Location: New Zealand

not so fast Dunc :-)

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Did I scare you?

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Oh. I see. I'll have to try again someday then



Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Interesting. I didn't realise before that existed. Turns out it links directly to Who would've thunk it?

I'm pretty sure there are many reasons to post here on Home of Poi. It may not be as active as it was before facebook started overshadowing basically all forums ever, but it's still got a lot going on.

I bet you just want us to go away so you can win.

Not happening tongue2

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa


Don't like people much do ya?

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

Jake BuxtonSILVER Member
1 post
Location: Australia

I really love poi

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Yes! I win! grin

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Unless that "(NA)" means something?...

Did I miss the actual win again? lol

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

margitaSILVER Member
.:*distracted by shiny things*:.
3,777 posts
Location: brizvegas, Australia

woot! go me! ubbrollsmilebounce2clapnanajugglebeerchugduck

do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and good to eat!

if at first you do succeed, try not to look too astonished!

smile! :grin: it confuses people!

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
8,738 posts
Location: wombling free..., United Kingdom

Is this still going? I remember this thread starting lol it's nearly as old as me.

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

And so it begins again.

I win.

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Hmmm... How do we report spam/phishing/backlink bots to moderators?

Malcolm ??

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Sweet :)
Ok back to winning :P

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

No no. Not like that. That's not winning...

How do I get the emoticons again?

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Ah. And it gives me a button to delete a reply, but then it tells me I don't have permissions.. Those links give me the heeby-jeebies...


Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

lol. Déjà vu

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Hmmm... Also, in case someone looks here, I can't seem to find the place to change my signature. I can find account details, but not forum user details... It's not that important really I guess :)

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Yeh man. When you want it done right, you gotta do it yourself :)

I may or may not email you about that. My signature isn't all that high a priority

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

pkBRONZE Member
Lambretta Fanatic
4,997 posts
Location: United Kingdom


Checking in...

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Not on my watch.


Also "Hello" :)

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

KindaichiShotaBRONZE Member
29 posts
Location: Japan

Am i the last one yet?

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

And now I am :)

I love this game :)

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa



Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

KindaichiShotaBRONZE Member
29 posts
Location: Japan


Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

Hello :)

Welcome to winning.

How you doing?

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

tonnalou318SILVER Member
1 post
Location: USA


Flow DNAGOLD Member
Destroyer of ceiling light fixtures
433 posts
Location: Cape Town, South Africa

not for long

Ask me about flow, and prepare to listen for the rest of your life, or tell me to stop talking eventually...

Rafael Raza Martinez Brunner1BRONZE Member
1 post
Location: Chile

What? I'm in

nancyvinci92BRONZE Member
7 posts

I've won!

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