benjaminshepherd76SILVER Member
failing at being a good boy
1 post
Location: paknham

hi i'm Ben, im into giving anything a go so with that in mind i decided out of sheer boredom, as i live in pakenham , Victoria . To do something cool with that in mind the coolest thing i could do was create my own fire sticks . i didn't have much items just the crap in my garage and like usual i like to use my brain im a Scorpio so its not an unusual thing for me to make things out of junk .
the sticks were prety crap but served there perpose. and later that night with all the kids and my mrs watching i gave them a go .
mainly because im 41 and have always played with stalfs . origionaly because of stick fighting but now just fun . i gave it a shot . and acording to people that have seen me . im apparently not bad . as for me i didnt burn myself to death so that was a plus . however i was hooked i started dancing to keith green . but thinking that something up beat and fresh would be cool . as i love most music . the sticks i have now are a hell of alot better . but i spent some money on these .
but not much . money can be tight for me sometimes i tend to spend my spare cash on my website wakeup . this is mainly blog and is kinda my gift to the world as it talks about finding ones true self .
how ever the one thing id love to find is marmite that tangy brown vitamin b burst of flavor is something i used to eat as a young bloke in my birth country newzealand at least i found hokey pokey ice cream . with the little chunks . mmmmmmmmmmmm . as for the rest u may have to ask me . but i will leave you with this .
there was a question i couldn't work out . about me growing up ..
let me explain . im like peter pan . im the boy that never grew up .
but im hoping to change the world . its a big aspiration i know . but if i only aspire to change the southern hemisphere the northern may not think i respect them as part of the human race .

today is the day ..

12 posts

Howdy Benjamin! Show us more about your creations.

cwolanski46BRONZE Member
5 posts
Location: Canada

Awweeees wickedly touching.
Lotta glances into your sphere of life.
I share the world changie aspirations the joke is, I guess a personal problem about feeling to do things thoroughly and treating people fairly. Really enjoyed the read and interested in the website.

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