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Profile for Kat

BRONZE Member since Dec 2000
Registered on: 12th Dec 2000
Total posts: 2,211

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Last Forum Posts

Bless your cotton socks :-) x

Well so far there is just lil ole me fire spinning, there will be Fire Kettles, Fireworks and there are 50 fire walkers who have raised a load of money for the Nepali Children's Trust h...

Hi all. On October 2nd an event called 'Fire Your Passion' is being held on a farm just outside of Bristol. There will be fire walking and fire entertainment to raise money for the Nepa...

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Under The MOoN
The dragon
Field of dreams
Entourage Berlins Aqualumières fooling around
Taste the flames
Hair over the face
The juggler and the sea
Fire, water, dirt
Desert Merman
Ultra Flower
All Smiles Here
Why Spin?
For every passionated woman
Beauty of Lights
Sunrise and Clearwater
Maria Booker
Fire Festival Fun
Tiny Tigger spinning minis
Rekinection Smiles
We must protect the world!!!
Druid Buugeng
Mystical creatures with fire
I love diabolo
Rapid Fire
Appalachian Flame
LED spiral


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