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Profile for scotthowes

BRONZE Member since Jan 2012
Registered on: 4th Jan 2012


United Kingdom


fire on a lonely beach.


FyreDiabolo - Comet Fire Diabolo  
19th February, 2020
Fire fly
"This is the one and original fire diabolos. I've been spinning this baby for years. I advise all to start with this and work your way up. (I never received the fuel bottle)"
Scotthowes, Norway.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Jan 2012

1/10 inch Diabolo Cord  
19th February, 2020
Kevlar string
"This string is strong and made from kevlar, however the work with this string must be tight and concealed as it does burn away very fast."
Scotthowes, Norway.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Jan 2012

Pack of Colored Flame Additive  
19th February, 2020
Colour flames
"A good buy. Nice to play with. Just make sure they are diluted correctly and prepared for your kevlar to be ruined."
Colour flames
Scotthowes, Norway.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Jan 2012

Follow your Friends

Ladies of the Lake, Hail Mayhem!
Pride of the fans
Hot stuff
Burning Daisy
led tornado
Zombie purge
Burning Pirate
Breaking Physics Flowers
Fire Portal
Give! Festival Ball Juggling
Puppet pulling her own strings
Control your fire...
Ball contact🔮
Heating up the Holidays with History
Circle Love
Gaia Fyah
Balencing of the Niko
flame chuks
The fairy named Firey
Wizard flow
Ring of Fire
Wings of Fire
balls everywhere
Virgin Burn
Colour Splash


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