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Profile for Chumpy

BRONZE Member since Dec 2004
Registered on: 20th Dec 2004
Total posts: 78

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Last Forum Posts

I was playing with angel+halo double staff rolls...there was some sort of a turn in there somewhere but it got a little confusing......*goes to find housemates video camera

Ohh nearly forgot....Jazz Hands...we need more Jazz hands in staff...they make anything like a MILLION times better

Finally a thread I can get into.... A favourite in Nottingham.....'The Gumsheild Spin'Very silly,a bit contacty and if do it right people won't have a clue wtf you did.The start is simi...

Follow your Friends

Soul of Fire
The Fiery Kiss
TPM Couple Of Fire
Whirlwind of color
Sticky meteor staff
We came, we saw, we killed the rave!
photo bomb level contact poi above the head
flowers n flow toys
Praise the Sun!
fire flower
Lost in Sepia
dark fantasy
big hula hoop queen
Modern Graffiti
Fancy Free
Acro cats
Give me your hand
Elder flame fans
Fakir S Staff
Last rays of sun
Stanley Styx and Pyromania Fire Performance
Hoop Love
Im a little teacup!
I´m one whit the air
Poolside Hoop Flow
The Birdking
Happy Fire Fan

