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Profile for .:* Moon Pixie *:.

.:* Moon Pixie *:.
Carpal \'Tunnel
Registered on: 6th Apr 2002
Total posts: 3,492

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Last Forum Posts

oh my freakin gosh... it's like going camping for ages and coming home to trip out on the floor being *flat*this pixie place *totally* needs a make-over!!who's with me?!

holly molly! you still here!?... and right up the top of the intros list too!! i just sort of {possibly a little drunkenly} stumbled in and am wondering where i am.... hehe!

A group of us will be convoying up mid afternoon on the friday if anyone wants to jump on the band wagon! it's gonna be a good one! squeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Follow your Friends

Galaxy Flowers
sky above me, earth below me, fire within me.
Midnight Burners
Alley of Fire
Warrior Goddess
double poi post
Light Trail shoot
Light and Dark
no hands
Phantom of the Playa
Double high
Underneath the bridge
Rare Snow Day Flow Day
Light Me Up
hoop dance
Moon Goddess
forever grateful for my flow
Poi in the bush
stay Home and Be safe
Matrix dragon  staff
forgot to charge the battery!
Inspiraled hoops
Kitty slicer
Poi noir
The orb of smiles

