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Profile for DeviantPenguin

SILVER Member since Apr 2005
Registered on: 3rd Apr 2005
Total posts: 7

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Last Forum Posts

I used to get a whole crapload of spam like that, and got the "I need help getting money into the country" one several times. Then I started to reply to all of them. From a seperate e...

Yes, Stout, I'm at THAT stage. I've been working a bit with socks with beanbags in 'em (they seem to work well for wrapping) and am focusing on transitions and building lil combos. ...

Thanks for the threads, they for sure give me something to think about. I recall seeing, and printing out, a thread called "the definitive wrap guide," I belive it was by Crazy Raver D...

Follow your Friends

Twisted in Thailand
Reggae Flow
Staff-Session in the Stone Quarry
Hoops I did it again
Buugeng Baby!
GeomeTrio Family Flow Arts
prince without crown
Sexy is how you feel it!
Electric Glow
Infinite swirl
LIB and LEDs
Ds on fire.
Carnival Mood
Aerial pixie
Fire Poi at Masked Ball by Naomi Lewis
Flaming Scythe
More Fire
seducing the sunset
Pillars of Flame
Inward Twirls
Sparkling Flowers
Mad Max Twirlsquad
No hands!
Fire poi
River beats

