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Profile for Icer

just a shadow of my former self...
SILVER Member since Apr 2005
Registered on: 25th Apr 2005
Total posts: 205

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Last Forum Posts

i think if someone wants to kill themselves they will, as sethis pointed out. three of my friends have used three different methods and they all worked. they are soooooo many ways to ki...

i think we are starting to touch on what might be the real gripe on this thread, that is the forced worship (or prayer) of something you dont personally believe in. such as a pagan chil...

i think the problem can be that ethics and humanitarian philosophy get so entangled with religion and vice versa that it sometimes becomes hard to separate them out. i think knowledge i...

Follow your Friends

Spinning through the Universe!
Sci Fi Mafia Poi
Zen flow
a midnight burn
club poi
Sacred Flame
Beach juggling
3- gotta be LED!
Focus with Fire Intentions
ruyomon sprite
Love is life
Fire Sword
carters wedding poi
Smiles for miles!!
Sport Suzie Diabolo
Forest flower
The Sun
The vampire circus
Snow Hooping
Poi smile And world will smile at You
Sacred Geometry
Taste the Burn
Midnight strike
💚🔥 Crazy Amber Rain 🔥💚
Close to the flame
She rises

