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Profile for Mascot

Registered on: 19th May 2002
Total posts: 301

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Last Forum Posts

If oil were banned tomorrow and all anthroprogenic carbon forcing stopped then we would still experiance warming. This warming is the "Commitment" level and is graphed alongsi...

RightMynci; Your view that global warming should be welcomed and a population cull is in order is rather bleak.The most important effects of Global warming are laid out beautifully in t...

Attitudes have certainly changed. IMO society is really out of whack and irrational about minors and sexual exposure. We really go nuts over this issue for no good reason, anyhting to d...

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Cream ball party
Playing with my beautiful balls..
Light trails for daze
First Burn
Days end
spirit of fire
Fire in my mind
Walking Through Fire
Elder Dragon
Light within the darkness
Staff toss under lights
Contact bliss
To good to be human (before rendering)
Tribal paw
Stockholm at night
Top This
Flower love
Poi flower
Enter the Dragon
hearts a fire
Canyon de Chelly, Arizona, USA
Last Night in Paris
Leave No Trace
Florida Tiny House Festival 2016
Fire smile
circle of passion


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