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Profile for Yerren Van Sint Annaland

Yerren Van Sint Annaland
BRONZE Member since Feb 2017
Registered on: 10th Feb 2017
Total posts: 1

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Last Forum Posts

Hey all,I am just about to move down to Dunedin, and am hoping to find a group of spinners down there!I find that without others interested in it around me, I lose inspiration, and so w...


Flowlight FS LED Poi  
6th March, 2017
Great Porducts, great service and great price
"These Flowlights are lots of fun, and have just an insane amount of flexibility. Working great as handles for my Pods - even if the size does take some getting used to."
Yerren, New Zealand.   [Verified Buyer]
BRONZE Member since Feb 2017

Follow your Friends

nature light
Brain mush
Jumping through circles
Villa Lobos Model and Princess Aryiel Hartman
Hellfire Performance
Flaming Sun
Welcome Home
Rings of Fury
Things are shaping up.
Phoenix rising
Sunrise burn
Nica Sunset
For a good cause
Bring it Mr. Potter
Calm before the storm
Tabitha foster
Flaming Balls
My Two Loves
Giko Magiko fire
Hulaween flame princess!
Fire Fans
Ama Pyra wielding fire sword
Great Balls Of Fire
friends and fire
End of the Tunnel


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