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Profile for hmjarratt

Registered on: 20th Jan 2018
Total posts: 1

This person has opted to not have a profile page.

Last Forum Posts

Hi there, Whilst in Australia I got some poi and picked up a few beginner moves- just wondered if there is any Poi people in Leeds who would like to meet up every now and again for a pr...

Follow your Friends

Dreaming of Dragons
Plant a Demon Seed and Raise a Flower of Fire
Tree Tosses
Rainbow Cove
The Dark One
Pyro by Julier Bruhier et Ma Nu
fire among the trees!
Flaming Eyes
218 Taphouse MN
My Poi
Fire dance
Wake up!!!
Hollywood Dreaming
Beach time
Fire Center
Aus Day celebrations
Flame On!
Fire Fans
Topsy Turvy
Dat Facee
Ethereal bird
Tosses into Outer Space
Winter Wonder
Battle Ready
A dragon staffer with her juggling man
Me and my partner performing
the highs and the lows

