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Profile for gerire

Registered on: 28th Dec 2005
Total posts: 17

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Last Forum Posts

I really want to get back spinning, I miss it, Dam my corporate lifestyle to hell, f you do organise anything or go to clubs willing to accept outsiders for the evening please do post; ...

Ah I fianlly find my way back to home. Pain in the arse having the car robbed, even worse when the poi's were in the boot at the time. So have had to wait for new one's to arrive back f...

Missed the whole weekend apart from the opening nite in Meeting house Sq because of work. Argh!!Pictures uploaded herehttp://homepage.ntlworld.com/gerire/DJC/index.htm

Follow your Friends

Fire flames
LED Flow Wand
The Wizard
A Tanoura dance
Face The Flames
Circle of Bliss
Stairs of Justice
A childs smile is the best smile
the princesses
Backwoods stall
Fire Poi in Snow
Euphoria festival Elements Team!
Jedi Jaja vs The Emperor
Sith Burn
River Island Spinning
Spooky lights
Lost in flow
Mary Jane at the Moon Rocks
Burning the breeze
Opposites attract!
Hoopers Pose 🧘‍♀️
All Smiles Here
My Fire, My Style
Fire love
Fire fan OG
Summer Circles
spinnin in circlez
Into The Future
The world in my hand.


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