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Profile for Lamar

Registered on: 1st Jun 2001
Total posts: 53

This person has opted to not have a profile page.

Last Forum Posts

Is anyone planning on attending this? I am planning on taking a trip out to London to celebrate graduation (see post in Social disc, prob pg 2 now) and was trying to decide between the...

Anyone else have any suggestions? What about nightlife? Are there any clubs that stand out compared to others? Thanks everyone for all your suggestions thusfar!

I'm a long time member and former participant here (Shibaki <Jeff>, Traci, or Matt still around?) and have been out of the scene for a while trying in order to really focus on col...

Follow your Friends

Sexy Fire Hooping? ;P
Fire Orb
dream flowers...
fire fans
a little bit of sock poi :
Reflection and bend
Day of the Dead
Fire circle of life
Light my fire
Born Free
FireFox Fire Fans
Faerie of the Night
Fire is life
Future poi
Lilly pads
pobodys nerfect
Fireman, ready to go
infinite iso
Mad Max Twirlsquad
Fire & Ice
Fire Umbrella
fire skull
Snail and Butterfly
Ocean reflections
Its magic
Spin LIfe
Sunset Hooping
Dueling Lights

