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Profile for fireflyzSA

Registered on: 22nd Jan 2003
Total posts: 28

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Last Forum Posts

Firstly i didnt know exactly where garsfontien was until this weekend... I thought is was one of the little towns in the middle of nowhere... Well i went through to pretoria this weeken...

To all south africansSeeing that there isnt an official fire tournament, i would like to start putting together something in johannesburg every year, almost like woodstock and rustlers....

Thanx, that would really help me on my mission - When u do find the info you can contact me Here At the moment im starting to build a proper website dedicated to south african fire...W...

Follow your Friends

In the zone....
foreshore fire
Hooping at the Hotel California...
Into the box
anonymous Pyrofreak fire vs led
Nuit Blanche
Fire blow
Dragon Girls
Eternal Flame
Secret Agent Blaire and her LED Lyra
violining vamps
Acro with fire fans
3 4 fire!
Sand Circles
Just wandering around
flow of my LED.
Mystical creatures with fire
Happiness in Flow
Cozumel Island, México #1
mile high nights
Ocean reflections
street fire
All Smiles Here
Full moon
Challenging the phoenix


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