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Profile for GoldenKrispy

Registered on: 16th Jul 2001
Total posts: 60

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Last Forum Posts

Im on a Theatre Course at the moment and Im studying acrobatics of all sorts! SO Circus is an option after I leave theatre school! I really love doing it! But I'm only 16, so I have a w...

CHeers for the advice guys, but I today has changed all I was tinking yesterday. Ive got a performance coming up now! yay!!! Funny how life can change in a day!!! KEep Smiling Golden

Hi Naganootch,Thats a great idea about the cruise liners! what a way to see the world as well! Anyways, my first idea was you could go to this site http://www.thestage.co.uk/ then searc...

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gypsy way
4 ball game
Frost flow
Fire Flow Fun
Pestilence - The Four Horsemen
Center Stage
The Raving Mad Hooper
Die Nordlichter Hamburg - Feuershow
Flower-bombing Singapore
EL FUEGO DE LA VIDA performance : Elastic Heart
in the air
Let the fire free
Silver wing
FenyxFyre at Peace
Never back away from a sword fight.
fire nation
Sphere of happyness
Fire Flow Wand
Spin Designs are Your Fingerprints
Smile and Joy
Golf Course Fun
my life,my world,my game
The magic S
Synth Hoop
fireworks on the waterfront
New years eve


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