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Profile for Zeritel

Registered on: 7th Apr 2003
Total posts: 11

This person has opted to not have a profile page.

Last Forum Posts

So about the hyperlights that the two of you seem to be stoked about, what exactly are they. I don't see much of anything in ways of an explanation of the things on the site. anyone h...

I'm not much of a DIY person, so instead of making my own LED poi I was wondering if anyone has tried any of the various led poi available over the web and has any likes/dislikes about ...

So what is it if i do a foward weave into a (think it's called a windmill i do it in the front and back plains and it's just like a 3 beat weave) a windmill into a reverse weave into a ...

Follow your Friends

Mystic Mayhem
eastern sierra Triquetra
Bamboo Flow
Ninja Fountain Staff
Snow, Fire and Buggeng
Great Ball Of Fire
Fire and water
First beach spin
Cancun nights
Fly... fly... my contact staff
LED Shapes
flower power
A Midwinter Nights Dream
Love duo on 🔥
Lightning and fire pois
Fire & Water
Face Orb !
poi &lt;3
Think about
Skirt of Poi
Bunny Partner Hooping
Fire leopard buugeng
Family Photo
Backwards burn
spicy lav girls
Waves of Fire
Lean Back

